(a)   Location of Parking Spaces.
      (1)   Parking spaces for single and two-family residential uses shall be located on the same lot as the use which is to be served.
      (2)   Except as permitted in the Uptown District, and in the instance of joint parking facilities authorized by this section, parking spaces for all nonresidential uses shall be located on the same lot as the use which is to be served.
      (3)   Parking spaces for multiple family uses, dormitories or similar residential uses shall be located not more than 250 feet from the principal use served.
   (b)   Required Improvements for Parking Areas.
      (1)   All off-street parking and loading areas including spaces, driveways, aisles, circulation drives and other vehicular maneuvering areas in all zoning districts, other than RR, Rural Residential District, shall be paved and adequately drained in conformance with Westerville Engineering Design Standards, as adopted by Council.
      (2)   All parking areas shall be adequately lighted, except that lighting is not required in parking areas for single family housing. Lighting shall be arranged to reflect the light away from adjoining property.
      (3)   Parking and loading areas shall be maintained maintain the parking area in good condition to be free of holes, trash and debris.
      (4)   The demarcation of parking spaces required under Section 1171.03(c)(2) shall be adequately maintained either through periodic re-striping or other means.
   (c)   Traffic Control Devices.
      (1)   Entrances, exits and directional signs shall be provided where practicable, and signs shall conform to City sign regulations.
      (2)   All parking areas having a capacity in excess of ten vehicles shall be striped.
      (3)   When a parking area extends to a property line, or where the extension of a vehicle beyond the front line of the parking space would interfere with drive or aisle access, wheel blocks or other devices shall be used to prevent such extension.
   (d)   Determination of Required Spaces. In computing the number of parking spaces required by this chapter, the following rules shall apply:
      (1)   Where floor area is designated as the standard for determining parking space requirements, floor area shall be the sum of the gross horizontal area of all the floors of a non-residential building measured from the faces of the exterior walls.
      (2)   Where seating capacity is the standard for determining parking space requirements, the capacity shall mean the number of seating units installed or indicated or each eighteen (18) lineal inches of benches, or pews, except where occupancy standards are set by the fire marshal.
      (3)   Fractional numbers shall be increased to the next whole number.
      (4)   The parking space requirements for a use not specified in this chapter shall be determined by the Planning Commission or by the Zoning Officer if the use is substantially similar to another use for which a standard has been established.
   (e)   Joint or Collective Parking Facilities.
      (1)   Where two or more uses are provided on the same lot, the total number of spaces required shall equal or exceed the sum of the individual requirements. In computation, a fractional space shall be rounded to the next highest number.
      (2)   All required parking spaces shall be located on the same lot with the building or use served, except that where an increase in the number of spaces is required by a change or enlargement of use, or where such spaces are provided collectively or used jointly by two (2) or more buildings or establishments, the required spaces may be located not farther than 250 feet from the building served.
      (3)   In any case where the required parking spaces are not located on the same lot with the building or use served, or where such spaces are collectively or jointly provided and used, a written agreement thereby assuring their retention for such purposes shall be properly drawn and executed by the parties concerned, approved as to form by legal counsel, approved as to content by Planning Commission and filed with the application for a zoning certificate.
      (4)   Upon prior approval by the Planning Commission of the terms of a written agreement entered into by owners of property in the City providing for the joint use of parking spaces, two or more nonresidential uses may jointly provide and use parking spaces when their hours of operation do not normally overlap.
   (f)   Parking Spaces for Handicapped Persons.
      (1)   Parking spaces for the handicapped shall meet the requirements of the Ohio Basic Building Code. Each such space may be included in the computation of required number of spaces by use.
(Ord. 07-46(A). Passed 1-8-08.)