1101.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this Zoning Ordinance is to:
   (a)   Promote and uphold the public health, safety, general welfare and morals of the City through the regulation of the use of land and of the type, size and use of structures.
   (b)   Ensure and encourage the proper use of land to stabilize and preserve property values, to protect against congested and unsafe traffic conditions, to provide safety from hazards such as fire, flood, water and air contamination, and to guarantee adequate light, air, and open space to all residents of the City.
   (c)   Facilitate development of land uses according to a comprehensive design that ensures the availability of and provision for adequate traffic capacity, water and sewer service, schools, public parklands and other such public facilities.
   (d)   Preserve unique historical and natural features of structures and land within the City.
(Ord. 81-48. Passed 7-7-81.)