A.   Purpose: The landscaping and screening requirements specified herein are intended to foster aesthetically pleasing development which will protect and preserve the appearance, character, health, safety, and welfare of the community. Specifically, these regulations are intended to increase the compatibility of adjacent uses, and, in doing so, minimize the harmful impact of noise, dust and other debris, motor vehicle headlight glare or other artificial light intrusions, and other objectionable activities or impacts conducted or created by an adjoining or nearby use.
   B.   Enforcement Of Landscape Requirements: Wherever the submission and approval of a landscape plan is required by this Ordinance, such landscape plan shall be an integral part of any application for an occupancy permit. No occupancy permit shall be issued without Village approval of a landscape plan as required herein. Failure to implement the approved landscape plan shall be cause for revocation of the occupancy permit. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992)
   C.   Landscape Plan:
      1.   Landscape Plan Required: A landscape plan shall be required for all exterior construction and development activity. Such landscape plan shall be drawn in conformance with the requirements specified in this Section. Landscape plans must be approved by the Department of Code Enforcement prior to the issuance of a building permit for exterior construction and development. Landscape plans for planned developments or conditional uses shall also be reviewed and approved by the Plan Commission and Village Board. The construction of detached single-family residences and accessory buildings shall be exempt from this requirement. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992; amd. Ord. 98-2064, 12-21-1998)
      2.   Content Of Landscape Plan: All landscape plans submitted for approval shall contain or have attached thereto the following information: (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992)
         a.   The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, parking lots and drives, roadways and rights of way, sidewalks, bicycle paths, ground signs, refuse disposal areas, bicycle parking areas, fences, freestanding electrical equipment, tot lots and other recreational facilities, and other freestanding structural features as determined necessary by the Department of Code Enforcement. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992; amd. Ord. 98-2064, 12-21-1998)
         b.   The location, quantity, size and name, both botanical and common names, of all proposed planting materials.
         c.   The location of existing buildings, structures and plant materials on adjacent property within one hundred feet (100') of the site.
         d.   Existing and proposed grading of the site, including proposed berming, indicating contours, at one foot (1') intervals.
         e.   Specification of the type and boundaries of all proposed ground cover.
         f.   Elevations of all fences proposed for location on the site. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992)
         g.   Elevations, cross-sections and other details as determined necessary by the Department of Code Enforcement. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992; amd. Ord. 98-2064, 12-21-1998)
   D.   Selection, Installation, And Maintenance Of Plant Materials:
      1.   Selection: Planting materials used in conformance with the provisions of this Section shall be of good quality, of a species normally grown in northeastern Illinois, and capable of withstanding the extremes of individual site microclimates. Size and density of plant material, both at the time of planting and at maturity, are additional criteria which must be considered when selecting plant materials.
      2.   Installation: All landscaping materials shall be installed in accordance with the current planting procedures established by the American Association of Nurserymen.
      3.   Maintenance:
         a.   Responsibility: The owner of the premises shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of all landscaping materials and barriers, including refuse disposal areas, as may be required by the provisions of this Section.
         b.   Landscaping Materials: All landscaping materials shall be maintained in good condition so as to present a healthy, neat and orderly appearance, and plant material not in this condition shall be replaced when necessary and shall be kept free of refuse and debris.
         c.   Fences And Walls: Fences, walls, and other barriers shall be maintained in good repair.
   E.   Design Criteria: Landscape plans described above shall be prepared based on the following design criteria. The evaluation and approval of landscape plans shall also be based on these design criteria.
      1.   Scale And Nature Of Landscaping Material: The scale and nature of landscaping materials should be appropriate to the size of the structures. Large scaled buildings, for example, should generally be complemented by larger scaled plants.
      2.   Selection Of Plant Material: Plant material should be selected for its form, texture, color, and concern for its ultimate growth. The use of Silver Maples, Box Elders, Russian Olives, Tree of Heaven, Mulberry Poplars, and other weak wooded species should be avoided.
      3.   Evergreens: Evergreens should be incorporated into the landscape treatment of a site, particularly in those areas screening parking lots from dedicated public rights of way or property zoned for residential use.
      4.   Shade Trees: All shade trees shall have a minimum trunk size of two and one-half inches (21/2") in diameter upon installation, as measured six inches (6") above the established ground level.
      5.   Softening Of Walls And Fences: Plant material should be placed intermittently against long expanses of building walls, fences, and other barriers to create a softening effect.
      6.   Planting Beds: Planting beds should be mulched with bark chips, feather rocks, or similar materials.
      7.   Detention/Retention Basins And Ponds: Detention/retention basins and ponds shall be landscaped. Such landscaping should include shade and ornamental trees, evergreens, shrubbery, hedges, and/or other planting materials.
      8.   Watering Plant Material: A permanent means of watering plant material should be provided. Installation of an automatic underground sprinkling system is recommended.
      9.   Energy Conservation:
         a.   Deciduous trees should be placed on the south and west sides of buildings to provide shade from the summer sun.
         b.   Evergreens and other plant materials should be concentrated on the north side of buildings to dissipate the effect of winter winds. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992)
      10.   Preservation Of Existing Plant Material: Existing plant material should, wherever practical as determined by the Director of Code Enforcement, be incorporated into the landscape treatment of a site.
      11.   Berming: Earthen berms and existing topography should be, whenever determined practical by the Department of Code Enforcement, incorporated into the landscape treatment of a site, particularly when combined with plant material to facilitate screening. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992; amd. Ord. 98-2064, 12-21-1998)
   F.   Right-Of-Way Landscaping:
      1.   Applicability: Where a parcel abuts a dedicated public right of way, landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of this Section.
      2.   Graded And Sodded: The unpaved portion of a public right of way shall be fine graded and sodded.
      3.   Parkway Trees:
         a.   Quantity: Parkway trees shall be provided at the equivalent of not more than forty feet (40') apart in the right of way adjacent to the parcel. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992)
         b.   Spacing: Such trees may be clustered or spaced linearly in the right of way as determined appropriate by the Department of Code Enforcement. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992; amd. Ord. 98-2064, 12-21-1998)
         c.   Size: Parkway trees shall have a minimum trunk size of two and one-half inches (21/2") in diameter, as measured six inches (6") above the established ground level.
         d.   Species: Parkway trees shall be limited to the following species. However, a variety of compatible species from this list should be included in the planting plan for a specific site or development:
            (1)   Linden.
            (2)   Maple (excluding Silver Maple and other similar softwood species).
            (3)   Hackberry.
            (4)   Ginkgo.
            (5)   Oak.
            (6)   Ash.
            (7)   Thornless Honeylocust (cultivars).
            (8)   Callery (Bradford) Pear. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992)
            (9)   Other species of trees as determined appropriate by the Department of Code Enforcement. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992; amd. Ord. 98-2064, 12-21-1998)
         e.   Other Landscape Material: No plant material or barriers, except as specified herein, may be located in a dedicated public right of way. (Ord. 92-1855, 12-14-1992)
   G.   Parking Lot Landscaping:
      1.   Applicability: All parking lots shall provide landscaping in accordance with the provisions of this section.
      2.   Interior Parking Lot Landscaping:
         a.   Area Required: In parking lots larger than ten thousand (10,000) square feet in size, not less than five percent (5%) of the interior of a parking lot shall be devoted to landscaping. Landscaping areas located along the perimeter of a parking lot as required in subsections G3 and G4 of this section shall not be included toward satisfying this requirement. In parking lots ten thousand (10,000) square feet or less in size, interior landscaping is not required.
         b.   Landscaped Areas: The landscaped areas defined in subsection G2a of this section, shall be delineated and improved in conformance with the following:
            (1)   Planting Area: Interior parking lot landscaping areas (planting islands) shall be dispersed throughout the parking lot in a design and configuration satisfactory to the department of code enforcement. Corner planting islands at the entrances and dead ends of any parking lot do not count toward satisfying the interior lot requirement. (See figure 4 in appendix C of this ordinance.)
            (2)   Size Of Planting Area: Interior parking lot landscaping areas shall be a minimum of one hundred twenty (120) square feet in area and shall be a minimum of seven feet (7') in width, as measured from back of curb to back of curb.
            (3)   Landscape Material: The plant material used to improve the landscape areas defined above shall conform to the following:
               (A)   Type: The primary plant materials used in parking lots shall be shade tree species in conformance with subsections E2 and E4 of this section. Ornamental trees, shrubbery, hedges, and other plant materials may be used to supplement the shade tree plantings, but shall not be the sole contribution to such landscaping.
               (B)   Quantity: One shade tree shall be provided for every one hundred twenty (120) square feet of landscaping area.
               (C)   Ground Cover: A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of every interior parking lot landscaping area shall be improved with approved ground cover, as determined appropriate by the department of code enforcement. Any area not covered with an approved ground cover shall be mulched.
      3.   Perimeter Parking Lot Landscaping For Lots Greater Than Ten Thousand Square Feet: Where a parking lot is located within a required yard, or within twenty feet (20') of a lot line, perimeter landscaping shall be required along the corresponding edge of the parking lot in conformance with the following provisions: (See figure 5 in appendix C of this ordinance.)
         a.   Landscape Area: Where perimeter landscaping is required, it shall be provided within landscape areas at least six feet (6') in width, as measured from the back of curb and excluding any parking space overhang area.
         b.   Requirements Along Front And Corner Side Yards:
            (1)   Across From Residential Property: Where a parking lot is located across a dedicated public right of way from property zoned for residential use the following landscape improvements shall be required:
               (A)   Plant Material: Continuous landscaping of evergreen or dense deciduous shrubs shall be provided across one hundred percent (100%) of the street frontage to a minimum height of four feet (4'). The height of such shrubs may be reduced if berming is provided so that the combined height of shrubs and berming is not less than four feet (4'). The maximum slope for a berm is eight to one (8:1) (12 percent) for grassed areas and four to one (4:1) (25 percent) for planted areas that do not require mowing. In addition, shade or ornamental trees shall be provided within this landscape area, with the number of trees not less than one tree per fifty feet (50') of frontage with the number of trees required, rounded to the nearest whole number. Additional plantings may be provided, subject to the approval of the department of code enforcement. All landscaping described above shall conform to section 10-4-3 of this chapter.
               (B)   Ground Cover: Except where occupied by planting beds, all landscaping areas located in front and corner side yards shall be sodded or planted with another comparable ground cover as determined appropriate by the department of code enforcement.
            (2)   Across From Nonresidential Property: Where a parking lot is located across a dedicated public right of way from property zoned for nonresidential use the following landscape improvements shall be required:
               (A)   Plant Material: Landscaping of evergreen or dense deciduous shrubs shall be provided across at least fifty percent (50%) of the street frontage to a minimum height of four feet (4'). The height of such shrubs may be reduced if berming is provided so that the combined height of shrubs and berming is not less than four feet (4'). The maximum slope for a berm is eight to one (8:1) (12 percent) for grassed areas and four to one (4:1) (25 percent) for planted areas that do not require mowing. Additional plantings may be provided, subject to the approval of the department of code enforcement. All landscaping described above shall conform to section 10-4-3 of this chapter.
               (B)   Ground Cover: Except where occupied by planting beds, all landscaping areas located in front and corner side yards shall be sodded or planted with another comparable ground cover as determined appropriate by the department of code enforcement.
         c.   Requirements Along Rear And Interior Side Yards:
            (1)   Plant Material: Where a parking lot abuts property zoned for residential use, the requirements of subsections G3a and G3b of this section shall apply. Where a parking lot abuts property zoned for nonresidential use, landscaping shall be provided across at least fifty percent (50%) of that portion of the parking lot abutting the property line to a minimum height of four feet (4'). The height of such shrubs may be reduced if berming is provided so that the combined height of shrubs and berming is not less than four feet (4'). The maximum slope for a berm is eight to one (8:1) (12 percent) for grassed areas and four to one (4:1) (25 percent) for planted areas that do not require mowing. Such plantings shall be concentrated into shrub masses, typically containing seven (7) to nine (9) shrubs per shrub mass. Additional plantings may be provided, subject to the approval of the department of code enforcement.
            (2)   Ground Cover: Except where occupied by planting beds, all side and rear yard perimeter parking lot landscaping shall be sodded, seeded or planted with another comparable ground cover, as determined appropriate by the department of code enforcement.
      4.   Perimeter Parking Lot Landscaping For Lots Ten Thousand Square Feet And Smaller: Where a parking lot is located within a required yard, or within twenty feet (20') of a lot line, perimeter landscaping shall be required along the corresponding edge of the parking lot in conformance with the following provisions: (See figure 6 in appendix C of this ordinance.)
         a.   Landscape Area: Where perimeter landscaping is required, it shall be provided within landscape areas at least three feet (3') in width, as measured from the back of curb.
         b.   Requirements Along Front And Corner Side Yards:
            (1)   Across From Residential Property: Where a parking lot is located across a dedicated public right of way from property zoned for residential use the following landscape improvements shall be required:
               (A)   Three Foot To Six Foot Perimeter Planting Zone: Where the planting zone at the perimeter of the parking lot falls within three feet (3') and six feet (6') in width, the following improvements shall be required: (See figures 7 and 8 in appendix C of this ordinance.)
                  (i) Fence And/Or Wall: A vertical screen of at least four feet (4') in height shall be provided, utilizing a decorative fence or brick wall (or combination thereof) along the entire length of property line. Fence should be placed on the property line to maximize the planting area on the interior of the lot. Owners of property immediately adjacent to the parking lot are entitled to a one time landscape improvement fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per linear foot of contiguity along the parking lot to provide appropriate plantings at the base of the fence on the residential side of the property. The fence or wall must be double sided and have no "backside". Fence construction and material to comply with section 10-4-4 of this chapter.
                  (ii) Plant Material: Continuous landscaping of evergreen or dense deciduous shrubs and/or perennials shall be provided across one hundred percent (100%) of the street frontage to a minimum height of four feet (4'). Neither berming nor grass is allowed. Shade or ornamental trees shall be provided within this landscape area, only if the planting zone has a minimum width of five feet (5') such as within a corner planting island in a dead end parking lot. Additional plantings may be provided, subject to the approval of the department of code enforcement. All landscaping described above shall conform to section 10-4-3 of this chapter.
                  (iii) Ground Cover: Except where occupied by planting beds, all landscaping areas located in front and corner side yards shall be planted with another comparable ground cover as determined appropriate by the department of code enforcement. No grass shall be allowed.
               (B)   Six Foot Or Wider Perimeter Planting Zone: Where the planting zone at the perimeter of the parking lot exceeds six feet (6') in width, the following improvements shall be allowed in conjunction with compliance with the requirements in the section immediately above:
                  (i) Fence And/Or Wall: The height of the fence may be reduced if berming is provided so that the combined height of fence and berming is not less than four feet (4'). The maximum slope for a berm is eight to one (8:1) (12 percent) for grassed areas and four to one (4:1) (25 percent) for planted areas that do not require mowing.
                  (ii) Plant Material: The height of plant material may be reduced if berming is provided so that the combined height of shrubs and berming is not less than four feet (4'). The maximum slope for a berm is eight to one (8:1) (12 percent) for grassed areas and four to one (4:1) (25 percent) for planted areas that do not require mowing. In addition, shade or ornamental trees shall be provided within this landscape area, with the number of trees not less than one tree per fifty feet (50') of frontage with the number of trees required, rounded to the nearest whole number.
                  (iii) Ground Cover: Nonbermed perimeter landscaping areas may be sodded in part, in conjunction with larger areas of ground cover, as determined appropriate by the department of code enforcement.
            (2)   Across From Nonresidential Property: Where a parking lot is located across a dedicated public right of way from property zoned for nonresidential use the following landscape improvements shall be required:
               (A)   Plant Material: Landscaping of evergreen or dense deciduous shrubs shall be provided across at least fifty percent (50%) of the street frontage to a minimum height of four feet (4'). The height of such shrubs may be reduced if berming is provided so that the combined height of shrubs and berming is not less than four feet (4'). The maximum slope for a berm is eight to one (8:1) (12 percent) for grassed areas and four to one (4:1) (25 percent) for planted areas that do not require mowing. Berming is not allowed in perimeter planting zones less than seven feet (7') in width. Additional plantings may be provided, subject to the approval of the department of code enforcement. All landscaping described above shall conform to section 10-4-3 of this chapter.
               (B)   Ground Cover: Except where occupied by planting beds, all landscaping areas located in front and corner side yards shall be sodded or planted with another comparable ground cover as determined appropriate by the department of code enforcement.
         c.   Requirements Along Rear And Interior Side Yards:
            (1)   Plant Material: Where a parking lot abuts property zoned for residential use, the requirements of subsections G4a and G4b of this section shall apply. Where a parking lot abuts property zoned for nonresidential use, landscaping shall be provided across at least fifty percent (50%) of that portion of the parking lot abutting the property line to a minimum height of four feet (4'). The height of such shrubs may be reduced if berming is provided so that the combined height of shrubs and berming is not less than four feet (4'). Such plantings shall be concentrated into shrub masses, typically containing seven (7) to nine (9) shrubs per shrub mass. Additional plantings may be provided, subject to the approval of the department of code enforcement.
            (2)   Ground Cover: Except where occupied by planting beds, all side and rear yard perimeter parking lot landscaping shall be sodded, seeded or planted with another comparable ground cover, as determined appropriate by the department of code enforcement. (Ord. 03-2266, 10-27-2003)