Upon receipt of the completed application, further information may be required to allow for review of the application and full compliance with sign ordinance provisions and all other laws and ordinances of the village.
   A.   Standard review:
      1.   Signs Within Historic Area: Permanent signs within the historic area must be reviewed by the appearance review commission for compliance with appearance review code criteria. The fact that a type of sign is permitted shall not mean that a particular sign is appropriate in the proposed location in the historic area.
      2.   Signs Outside Historic Area: Signs outside the historical area can be reviewed and approved by the community development department if they are found to be in compliance with all provisions of sign regulations including appearance review code criteria and if they also meet the following additional requirements:
         a.   The business is a regional, national or international brand and use commonly recognized corporate colors and logos as part of an existing image policy campaign.
         b.   For ground signs, the sign has a landscape component to enhance the appearance of the sign, if applicable.
         c.   The copy area of the sign does not have more than four (4) graphic elements.
         d.   The sign is part of a preapproved development or tenant sign criteria.
Any sign outside the historic area that does not meet these requirements will be submitted to the appearance review commission for review. The applicant is responsible for submittal documents and application fee for such review.
   B.   Exceptions to standard review:
      1.   Master sign plan:
         a.   Sign standards and provisions that differ from those permitted by the sign ordinance may be approved by the village board for annexations, planned development projects concurrently with the approval of a general development plan or sectional planning area.
         b.   The size, number and location regulations for any sign may be altered pursuant to a development or redevelopment agreement or a memorandum of understanding when the village board deems it necessary to promote the economic development goals of the village.
      2.   Special event signs: Any sign including a prohibited sign may be permitted only on a temporary basis as part of a special event approval granted by the village board as per title 3, chapter 8 of this code and when the village board determines that the additional signage is needed for the success of the special event. (Ord. 14-02, 1-20-2014)