Whenever any property shall be developed which has its boundaries on Route 31, known as Eighth Street, the owner, developer or contractor shall abide by the following provisions:
A. Dedicate sufficient land as the state of Illinois department of transportation shall require, to provide:
1. A lane for traffic deceleration/acceleration.
2. All curb and gutter required to handle drainage.
3. Tree bank of a minimum of five feet (5') between curb and outside edge of sidewalk.
B. Submit plans and apply for permit to the state of Illinois department of transportation for all above work.
C. Construct improvements in accordance with plans and specifications submitted and approved by the Illinois department of transportation.
D. Construct a sidewalk along the property line which is at least five feet (5') from the curb line. Sidewalk construction shall be in accordance with all village standards.
E. Landscape tree bank in accordance with all village standards.
F. All of the above provisions shall be complied with, and final acceptance, in writing, shall be received from the state of Illinois department of transportation prior to issuance of any occupancy permit. (Ord. 98-28, 9-14-1998; amd. 2004 Code)