A. Subgrade: The subgrade shall be tamped or rolled until thoroughly compacted and shall be constructed true to grade and cross section for the bottom of the sidewalk and driveway.
B. Forms: All forms shall be set true to line and elevation, substantially built and rigidly braced to prevent bulging. They shall be constructed of clean lumber surfaced on four (4) sides and be uniform in width and thickness of steel of equal rigidity.
C. Concrete: The sidewalk, driveway and driveway approach shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete (air entrained Portland cement - 4 percent to 6 percent) as specified by the state department of transportation specifications. The concrete mix shall be a minimum of five and one-half (51/2) bags of Portland cement per cubic yard of concrete. The final surface of all concrete sidewalk and driveway approaches shall have an appropriate sealant applied as per the state specifications. All sidewalk and driveway surfaces shall have a light brush finish.
D. Expansion Joints: Expansion joints three-fourths inch (3/4") thick shall be placed at intervals of fifty feet (50') in the sidewalks, between driveway pavement and sidewalk, driveway approaches and curbs, and sidewalk approaches and curb. These expansion joints shall consist of premolded bituminous joint filler. Expansion joints one-half inch (1/2") thick shall be provided between the sidewalk and all structures such as streetlight standards, traffic signal posts and signposts, etc., which are within the sidewalk. The expansion joints shall consist of joint filler. (2004 Code)