A. Truancy Prohibited: It is unlawful for any child who is subject to compulsory school attendance under Illinois state law, to be absent from attendance at school without prior parental permission. Emergency or unforeseen absences due to illness or other causes beyond the control of the person so absent without parental permission shall not constitute truancy if permission for such absence has been obtained from the parent or guardian and notification of such permission is made to the proper school authority no later than the end of the next full school day after the absence.
B. Responsibility: It is unlawful for any person having care or custody of a child who is subject to compulsory school attendance as required by Illinois state law to allow such child to be absent without valid cause from such attendance for a school day or portion thereof.
C. Valid Cause: "Valid cause" for absence shall mean illness, observance of a religious holiday, death in the immediate family, or family emergency and shall include such other circumstances that cause reasonable concern to the parent for the safety or health of the student.
D. Penalty: Any person violating this section shall be fined fifty dollars ($50.00) for the first offense and one hundred dollars ($100.00) for any subsequent offenses. Each day that a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense. (Ord. 2013-03, 2-18-2013)