A.   Duties:
      1.   A garbage collector shall be hired upon a contract with the village, to collect and dispose of said garbage as specified in this chapter for a period to be determined by the board of trustees. (Ord. 89-04, 4-3-1989; amd. Ord. 91-08, 7-1-1991; 2004 Code)
      2.   Said garbage collector shall do all of the work and furnish all necessary equipment and labor to cause to be removed garbage as hereinbefore specified.
      3.   He shall furnish a truck for said purpose which shall be suitably covered and shall have a suitable body so as to prevent any refuse or rubbish from either leaking through said truck or spilling over the same, and to at all times, when not actually engaged in the business of collecting garbage, keep said truck covered, and particularly to keep the same covered while driving to or from a garbage route.
      4.   He may retain as many employees as he may see fit, but shall in all respects be personally responsible for the performance of his duties in compliance with said contract. (Ord. 89-04, 4-3-1989; amd. Ord. 91-08, 7-1-1991)
   B.   Responsibilities: Provision for the disposal of all garbage collected shall be arranged by said garbage collector, and the village shall in no manner be responsible for the ultimate disposition thereof; provided however, that in removing or disposing of all substances and matters in this chapter required to be removed, the same shall be removed and disposed of by the garbage collector in a manner safe to persons and property and not injurious to the health, and no part of such substances and matters shall be disposed of within the established limits of the village. (Ord. 89-04, 4-3-1989)