A. Adoption Of Environmental Protection Act: All applicable rules, regulations and standards of the state environmental protection act, 415 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/1 et seq., pertaining to air pollution are hereby adopted generally.
B. Open Fires Restricted: It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, suffer, allow or permit open burning of rubbish, refuse of any kind, grass, leaves, wood, garbage, metal salvage or any other material in open fires.
1. Exceptions For Residential Property: Exterior fires on residential properties in approved devices made specifically for burning wood, manufactured logs, or charcoal, for which purpose is to cook food or for recreational use.
a. Materials burned in this exterior fireplace shall not include landscape waste, such as grass clippings, leaves, weeds and/or other yard waste debris, and/or garbage, and/or refuse including cardboard, treated lumber, excessive paper or other household waste.
b. The fire is to be attended by a responsible person over the age of fourteen (14) years, who shall have a garden hose connected to a water supply or other fire extinguishing equipment readily available for use.
c. The portable fireplace location is not less than twenty feet (20') from any structure, including houses, sheds, decks, fences, vehicles or combustibles, located in the rear yard only and adequate provisions are made to prevent fire from spreading within twenty feet (20') of any structure.
d. A portable fireplace shall be used only in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and guidelines including the use of both protective screens and covers to limit the size of the fire source.
e. The fire's fuel area cannot be more than three feet (3') in diameter and must be two feet (2') or less in height.
f. Burning is prohibited when winds are greater than ten (10) miles per hour.
g. All fires must be extinguished when no longer in use.
h. Any fire considered to be a nuisance as determined by a police or fire official shall be extinguished.
i. No fires shall be in the parking lot.
2. Exceptions For Commercial Property: Exterior fires on commercial properties in approved devices made specifically for burning clean wood or natural gas.
a. Commercial recreational fires shall not be conducted within twenty feet (20') of a structure or combustible material. There shall be twenty feet (20') clearance from all vehicles or any other hazards.
b. The container shall be used only in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and guidelines.
c. The fire shall be contained within the fireplace or burn container, and a flame's maximum height of two and one-half feet (21/2') above the top of the burn container.
d. Burning is prohibited when winds are greater than ten (10) miles per hour.
e. All fires must be extinguished when no longer in use.
f. Any fire considered to be a nuisance as determined by a police or fire official shall be extinguished.
g. A special permit is required and requires approval by the fire chief or his designee. (Ord. 14-34, 8-4-2014)