A.   The WDEMA shall perform such functions within the village as shall be prescribed in and by the state of Illinois emergency management plan and program prepared by the governor of Illinois and such orders, rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the governor.
   B.   In addition, the WDEMA shall perform such duties outside the corporate limits as may be required, availability of manpower permitting, pursuant to any mutual aid agreement with any other municipalities or quasi-municipal entity.
   C.   Specifically, the agency shall be responsible for:
      1.   Coordination of development, revision, update, and evaluation of village of West Dundee emergency operations plan.
      2.   Maintain liaison and cooperate with the emergency management agency and other emergency agencies and organizations of other political subdivisions of the state and the federal government.
      3.   Responsibility for the organization and administration of the agency as required by village staff.
      4.   Coordination of training for all village of West Dundee department heads and employees regarding their involvement in the extension of responsibilities during a disaster or potential disaster situation.
      5.   Coordination of emergency operations as identified in the village of West Dundee emergency operations plan.
      6.   Any and all other responsibilities and/or job functions as designated by the village president or village manager.
      7.   Maintain accreditation by Kane County emergency management agency through the Illinois emergency management agency, and ultimately the federal emergency management agency. (Ord. 94-07, 4-18-1994)