(A)   (1)   There is established fees for the purchase and installation of water meters acquired from the City, such fees shall be as set forth in Section 37.07 of Chapter 37, General Fee Schedule, of the Codified Ordinances of the City of West Carrollton.
      (2)   These fees are for the meter and the remote read-out unit, plus labor to install the water meter in an opening plumbed by the owner; also, the remote read-out is to be connected to wires provided and installed by the owner.
   (B)   The fees, as established, shall be paid by the applicant to the city at the time application is made for the meter installation; such fee to be used by the city to defray the costs of the materials and labor involved.
   (C)   The City Manager is authorized to increase the fees listed in division (A) and set forth in Section 37.07 of Chapter 37, General Fee Schedule, of the Codified Ordinances of the City of West Carrollton as he deems necessary from time to time to ensure that the city receives appropriate fees for this meter installation service. (Ord. 2245, passed 3-10-81; amend. Ord. 3436, passed 12-22- 09)