131.01 Definitions
131.02 Arson; determining property value or amount of physical harm
131.03 Criminal damaging or endangering; vehicular vandalism
131.04 Criminal mischief
131.05 Damaging or endangering aircraft or airport operations
131.06 Criminal trespass; aggravated trespass
131.07 Tampering with coin machines
131.08 Theft
131.09 Unauthorized use of a vehicle
131.10 Unauthorized use of property, including telecommunication property and computers; possession of municipal property
131.11 Passing bad checks
131.12 Misuse of credit cards
131.13 Making or using slugs
131.14 Prima facie evidence of purpose to defraud
131.15 Tampering with records
131.16 Securing writings by deception
131.17 Defrauding creditors
131.18 Receiving stolen property
131.19 Value of stolen property
131.20 Degree of offense when certain property involved
131.21 Injuring vines, bushes, trees, or crops
131.22 Detention and arrest of shoplifters and those committing motion picture piracy; protection of institutional property
131.23 Insurance fraud; workers’ compensation fraud; Medicaid fraud
131.24 Injury to property by hunters
131.25 Evidence of intent to commit theft of rented property or rental services; evidence of lack of capacity to consent
131.26 Forgery of identification cards
131.27 Criminal simulation
131.28 Personating an officer
131.29 Trademark counterfeiting
131.30 Diminishing or interfering with forfeitable property
131.31 Recording credit card, telephone or Social Security numbers
131.32 Prosecutions for theft of utilities
131.33 Motion picture piracy
131.34 Railroad vandalism; criminal trespass; interference with operation of train; grade crossing device vandalism
131.35 Desecration
Statutory reference:
Cable television service devices, unauthorized sale or possession, felony, see R.C. § 2913.041
Deceptive acts or practices in connection with consumer transactions, see O.A.C. Chapter 109:4-3
Disrupting public services, felony, see R.C. § 2909.04
E-mail advertisements, civil offenses and felony forgery offense, see R.C. § 2307.64
E-mail spam, civil offenses and felony offenses, see R.C. § 2913.421
Food stamps, illegal use, see R.C. § 2913.46
Telecommunications: fraud and unlawful use of a device, felony offenses, see R.C. §§ 2913.05 and 2913.06
Terrorism involving agricultural products or equipment, see R.C. § 901.511