130.01 Application of Title XIII
130.02 Definitions
130.03 Classification of offenses
130.04 Common law offenses abrogated
130.05 Rules of construction
130.06 Limitation of criminal prosecutions
130.07 Requirements for criminal liability; voluntary intoxication
130.08 Culpable mental states
130.09 Organizational criminal liability
130.10 Personal accountability for organizational conduct
130.11 Attempt
130.12 Complicity
130.13 Presumption of innocence; proof of offense; affirmative defense
130.14 Battered woman syndrome
130.15 Delinquency adjudications deemed convictions
130.16 Criminal law jurisdiction
130.17 Disposition of unclaimed or forfeited property held by Police Department
130.18 Imposing sentence for misdemeanor
130.19 Multiple sentences
130.20 Apprehension, detention, or arrest of persons on bond
130.21 Self defense: limitations on duty to retreat prior to using force
130.99 Penalty for Title XIII
Statutory reference:
Mayor’s Court generally, see R.C. Chapter 1905
Municipal Court generally, see R.C. Chapter 1901
Trials, Magistrate Courts, see R.C. Chapter 2938