(A)   B-1 General Business District and B-2 Neighborhood Business District.
      (1)   Use type and structure type. Only the following signs shall be permitted in B-1 General Business and B-2 Neighborhood Business Districts:
Use Type
Structure Type
Use Type
Structure Type
Business signs
Wall signs
Construction signs
Ground signs
Real estate signs
Window signs
Identification signs
Projected signs
Illuminated signs
Roof signs (only in B-1 Districts)
Memorial signs
Pole signs
Political signs
Security signs
Bulletin board signs
      (2)   Number, size and placement. The number, size and placement of signs permitted in B-1 and B-2 Districts shall be in accordance with the following regulations and schedules:
         (a)   Business signs.
            1.   Business signs for any single business enterprise shall have not greater than one and one half square feet of sign area for each linear foot of width of building occupied by such enterprise, but shall not have more than 150 square feet of total sign area, whichever is less. Any such sign shall be placed only upon the front wall or front outside window or door of a building or in the area inside the building between the front window and a line parallel to that window and located six feet back from the entrance.
            2.   The area of all business signs for any single business enterprise shall be limited according to the width of the building or part of the building occupied by such enterprise. For the purposes of this section, width shall be measured along the building face nearest parallel to the street line. In the case of a corner lot, either frontage may be used in determining width, but the frontage selected shall be considered the front wall of the building for the purposes of this section. Only one structure type is allowed for each building or part of a building occupied by the enterprise, and only two business signs are allowed for each enterprise.
            3.   Business signs shall not be permitted above the coping or cornice, whichever is higher, in any B-2 District.
         (b)   Construction signs. Construction signs shall not exceed 16 feet in area and shall not be permitted less than ten feet from the front street line. Construction signs may remain on the lot only during the period of construction.
         (c)   Real estate signs larger than four and one-half square feet in area. Real estate signs are permitted in all zoning districts. In manufacturing and commercial districts the maximum total message area for real estate signs shall be computed in the same manner as for commercial advertising signs. Real estate signs less than ten square feet in area have no setback requirements but may not be located within the right-of-way of any public street or on any public lands or easements or in any location that would create a public hazard. Real estate signs larger than ten square feet in area must meet the setback requirements of the district wherein located as if the sign were a building.
         (d)   Identification signs. One identification sign is permitted per single business enterprise. Such sign shall be placed over the rear doorway of any building or portion of a building occupied by any single business enterprise, of a maximum size of six square feet for a single door and 12 square feet for a double door. The proprietor of any business enterprise may designate any entrance thereto his or her front entrance, and the opposite entrance shall be considered the rear entrance. Where the rear entrance is designed and used for customer access and opens to available off-street parking, one business sign, not exceeding the allowable sign area for the front of the building or part of a building occupied by such business enterprise, may be used in lieu of such an identification sign.
         (e)   Illuminated signs.
            1.   Only business signs may be illuminated, and only by the indirect, outline or tube-lighting method.
            2.   Illuminated signs shall not be designed, arranged or used so as to be reflected or directed into any residential area or to cause annoying glare in any other area.
            3.   “Goose-neck” reflectors, “naked” bulb lighting and flashing signs are specifically prohibited.
            4.   Revolving, oscillating or otherwise moving signs are also prohibited.
         (f)   Memorial signs. Memorial signs or cornerstone tablets shall not exceed 12 square feet in area and shall either be cut into a masonry surface or be constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials and be permanently affixed to the building or premises thereto.
         (g)   Political signs. Political signs shall be governed by § 154.539(B)(9).
         (h)   Security signs. Security signs shall be governed by § 154.539(B)(10).
         (i)   Bulletin board signs. Bulletin board signs shall be governed by § 154.539(B)(1).
   (B)   B-3 Central Business District.
      (1)   Use type and structure type. Only the following signs shall be permitted in the B-3 Central Business District.
Use Type
Structure Type
Use Type
Structure Type
Business signs
Projected signs
Identification signs
Wall signs
Illumination signs
Window signs
Memorial signs
Ground signs
Political signs
Real estate signs
Security signs
      (2)   Number, size and placement. The number, size and placement of signs permitted in B-3 Districts shall be in accordance with the following regulations and schedules.
         (a)   Business signs. Only one business sign shall be permitted on the outside of the premises. Such sign shall not extend above the coping or cornice, whichever is higher, shall be limited to the display of either the name of the occupant or the name of the building, and shall be permitted only along the building face parallel to the street line. The area of the business sign on the premises shall not exceed one square foot for each linear foot of face measured parallel to the street line, or 100 square feet, whichever is less. Neither the lettering nor other symbols thereon shall exceed two feet in height. On a corner lot, a business sign may be permitted on one or both frontages of the building.
         (b)   Identification signs. One identification sign is permitted per single business enterprise. Such sign shall be placed over the rear doorway of any building or portion of building occupied by any single business enterprise, of a maximum size of four square feet for a single door and eight square feet for a double door. The proprietor of any business enterprise may designate any entrance thereto his or her front entrance, and the opposite entrance shall be considered the rear entrance.
         (c)   Real estate signs larger than four and one-half square feet in area. Real estate signs are permitted in all zoning districts. In manufacturing and commercial districts the maximum total message area for real estate signs shall be computed in the same manner as that for commercial signs. Real estate signs less than ten square feet in area have no setback requirements but may not be located within the right-of-way of any public street or on any public lands or easements or in any location that would create public hazard. Real estate signs of the district larger than ten square feet in area must meet the setback requirements wherein located as if the sign were a building.
         (d)   Illuminated signs. Only business signs may be illuminated and only by the indirect, outline or tube-lighting method. Illuminated signs shall not be designed, arranged or used so as to be reflected or directed into any residential area or to cause annoying glare in any other area. “Gooseneck” reflectors, “naked” bulb lighting and flashing signs are specifically prohibited. Revolving, oscillating or otherwise moving signs are also prohibited.
         (e)   Memorial signs. Memorial signs or cornerstone tablets shall not exceed 12 square feet in area and shall either be cut into a masonry surface or be constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials and be permanently affixed to the building or premises thereto.
         (f)   Political signs. Political signs shall be governed by § 154.539(B)(9).
         G.   Security signs. Security signs shall be governed by § 154.539(B)(10).
(Prior Code, § 1288.06) (Ord. 652, passed 11-8-1999; Ord. 728, passed 5-7-2007)