(A)   Use type and structure type. Only the following use type and structure type of signs shall be permitted in residential districts:
Use Type
Structure Type
Use Type
Structure Type
Bulletin board signs
Pole signs
Construction signs
Window signs
Real estate signs
Wall sign (when used as a nameplate or memorial sign)
Illuminated signs
Informational signs
Memorial signs
Nameplate signs
Political signs
Occupational signs
   (B)   Number, size and placement. The number, size and placement of signs permitted in residential areas shall be in accordance with the following regulations and schedules. Unless otherwise stated in this section, all such signs shall be attached to the building or setback at least 30 feet from the front street line and ten feet from any side lot line, or as specified in other regulations, whichever provides the greater setback.
      (1)   Bulletin board signs. Bulletin board signs shall not be over 15 square feet in area, shall not exceed six feet in height and must be setback at least ten feet from any public right-of-way.
      (2)   Construction signs. Construction signs shall not exceed 16 square feet in area, shall not be permitted less than 100 feet from any occupied dwelling or less than 20 feet from the front street line. Construction signs may remain on the lot only during the period of construction.
      (3)   Real estate signs larger than four and one-half square feet in area. Real estate signs are permitted in all zoning districts. In residential districts, the total message area of real estate signs located on one lot may not exceed ten square feet. Real estate signs more than four and one-half square feet in area have no setback requirements but may not be located within the right-of-way of any public street or on any public lands or easements or in any location that would create a public hazard.
      (4)   Illuminated signs. Only nameplate signs and bulletin board signs may be illuminated. Nameplate signs may only be illuminated by the reflector method, and no illuminated sign shall be designed, arranged or used so as to cause an annoying glare.
      (5)   Informational signs. Informational signs shall not be greater than one square foot in area and may be installed in the window. If installed outside the building, they may not be more than three feet from the ground. They must be set back at least 100 feet from the front property line or not more than ten feet from the line of the building, whichever is the lesser distance from the front property line. No more than two signs are permitted on a property.
      (6)   Memorial signs. Memorial signs shall not exceed two square feet in area and must be constructed of bronze or other incombustible materials and be permanently affixed to the building or premises on which they are located.
      (7)   Nameplate signs. Nameplate signs shall not exceed one square foot in area and shall be attached to the building or placed not less than ten feet from any lot line.
      (8)   Occupational signs. Occupational signs shall not exceed two square feet in area and may only denote the name and profession of the occupant in the building.
      (9)   Political signs. Political signs shall not exceed six feet in height nor eight square feet in area and shall not be posted on or over the public right-of-way in the village.
      (10)   Security signs. Security signs may only be of the type that is readily affixed to a window, such as a sticker or decal, and may not be more than 15 square inches in area.
(Prior Code, § 1288.05) (Ord. 652, passed 11-8-1999; Ord. 766, passed 12-13-2010)