Zoning District
Minimum Lot Size
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Front Setback
Minimum Side Setback
Minimum Rear Setback
Maximum Floor Area
Maximum Building Height
Zoning District
Minimum Lot Size
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Front Setback
Minimum Side Setback
Minimum Rear Setback
Maximum Floor Area
Maximum Building Height
B-1 General Business
35 feet
10 feet*
30 feet**
35 feet
B-2 Neighborhood Business
35 feet
10 feet*
25 feet**
15,000 square feet per floor
35 feet
B-3 Central Business
6 feet*
25 feet**
35 feet
I-1 Light Industrial
100 feet
(2), (3)
(2), (3)
45 feet
PD-1 Residential PUD
2 acres
(4), (5), (6), (7), (8)
(4), (5), (6), (7), (8)
(4), (5), (6), (7), (8)
35 feet
PD-2 Business PUD
1 acre
(4), (9), (10), (11)
(4), (9), (10), (11)
(4), (9), (10), (11)
35 feet
PD-3 Industrial PUD
10 acres
(12), (13), (14), (15)
(12), (13), (14), (15)
(12), (13), (14), (15)
35 feet
AG Agricultural Conservation
5 acres
300 feet
35 feet
15 feet
40 feet
35 feet
FP Flood Plain
Overlay district - see underlying zoning district requirements.
Setback only applies if lot is adjacent to any residential lot. In other cases, no side yard is required.
Where a building in a B-2 District or B-3 District is more than 25 feet in height, one additional foot of rear yard shall be provided for each additional two feet of height. In other cases, no side or rear yard is required.
Where a B-3 District is directly across the street from any residential, the minimum setback applies. In other cases, no front yard is required.
Conditional uses shall comply with all pertinent development standards contained in §§ 154.095 through 154.100.
Each side and rear yard shall be at least equal in height of the principal building. If adjacent lots are industrially developed to the lot line, no side yard need be provided. Where a side or rear yard abuts onto a residential district, in no case shall either be less than 50 feet and a Type A buffer provided. An opaque fence may be substituted for such plantings if approved by the Planning Commission. If the use is to be serviced from the rear, the side yard shall be at least 50 feet deep.
Each side and rear yard for conditional uses shall be equal to two times the height of the principal building. If adjacent lots are industrially developed to the lot lines, no side yard need be provided. Where a side or rear yard abuts onto a residential district, the yard shall in no case be less than 100 feet and a Type A buffer shall be provided. An opaque fence may be substituted for such plantings if approved by the Planning Commission. If the use is to be service from the rear, the yard shall be at least 50 feet deep.
There shall be a setback of 50 feet maintained around the total perimeter of the development that is landscaped to provide a Type B buffer adjacent to residential uses and a Type A buffer adjacent to commercial and industrial uses.
Detached principal structures shall be a minimum of 15 feet from one another.
Private accessory structures and uses shall not be located on common open space and shall be a minimum of 15 feet away from all structures other than the principal structure they are associated with.
All structures shall be located at least 25 feet back from all public and private roads.
No residential structure or cluster of attached buildings shall have more than 300 linear feet of frontage.
Detached principal structures shall be a minimum of 20 feet from one another.
All structures shall be located at least 25 feet back from all public and private roads.
There shall be a minimum of one entrance or exit per street frontage. On the major street frontage, there may be two entrance or exit drives if the street frontage is more than 300 feet. In such case, the two drives shall be at least 200 feet apart.
There shall be a setback of 100 feet maintained around the perimeter of the site. Such setback shall be landscaped in a Type A buffer. Where the site is adjacent to other industrial uses, the Planning Commission may determine that a less dense buffer is required.
Detached principal structures shall be a minimum of 30 feet from one another.
All structures shall be located at least 25 feet back from all public roads.
Vehicle access points to the site shall be at least 250 feet apart from one another.
(Prior Code, § 1266.03) (Ord. 652, passed 11-8-1999)