The City shall pay and/or only reimburse travel, meal and lodging expenses incurred by its employees, members, volunteers and officers as follows below.
   A.   When possible, advance payment for hotel rooms will be made directly by the City.
   B.   Payment or reimbursement for meals will be based upon a rate of ten dollars ($10.00) for breakfast, ten dollars ($10.00) for lunch, and twenty dollars ($20.00) for dinner. The meal allowance will be prorated based upon the time of departure from the City and the time of return. The allowance may be paid to the person receiving reimbursement in advance of the approved activity.
   C.   There will be no mileage reimbursement for travel of twenty five (25) miles or less. Payment to or reimbursement for private vehicle transportation will be based upon the current Federal mileage rate and will be paid to the person driving to attend the approved activity. Car pooling will generally be required when more than one person is attending a particular approved activity. Reimbursement for fuel usage will generally be based upon one vehicle for four (4) attendees. When a City vehicle is used for transportation to an approved activity, payment for fuel where the fuel cost is incurred by the person operating the City vehicle will be based on the actual fuel cost. Persons who choose not to car pool will not be reimbursed for the fuel expense incurred by them in traveling to the approved activity separately unless otherwise approved in advance by the City Council.
   D.   Persons using a City vehicle for transportation to and from authorized activities are strictly prohibited from operating the vehicle while in an impaired state. (Res. 2017-04-17A, 4-17-2017)