All definitions and terms in this chapter shall conform to those set out in the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act, including, but not limited to the following definitions.
EMPLOYEES, MEMBERS, VOLUNTEERS AND OFFICERS: All persons who are paid or unpaid employees or officers of the City, including its Police Department, its administrative personnel and its elected officials.
ENTERTAINMENT: Includes, but is not limited to, shows, amusements, theaters, circuses, sporting events or any other place of public or private entertainment or amusement, unless ancillary to the purpose of the program or event.
PUBLIC BUSINESS: Expenses incurred in the performance of a public purpose which is required or useful for the benefit of the City to carry out the responsibilities of City business.
TRAVEL: Any expenditure directly incident to official travel by employees, members, volunteers and officers of the City involving reimbursement to travelers or direct payment to private agencies providing transportation or related services. (Res. 2017-04-17A, 4-17-2017)