A.   The owner of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or other purposes, situated within the City and abutting on any street, alley, or right of way in which there is now located or could, by extension, be located a City water main or line is hereby required at his expense, as hereinafter set forth, to install suitable water service facilities thereon; and to connect such facilities directly with the City water systems and mains.
   B.   Applications for water service connections must be made in writing to the Water Collector by the owner or agent of the property to be served. Such applications shall state official house number or numbers of the premises to be served, size of pipe required and the approximate location where such service shall enter the premises and shall accompany with said application a fee of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for each tap not greater than three-fourths inch (3/4") size before such tap shall be made. Larger connections or road/alley crossings shall be made at actual cost of labor and materials plus ten percent (10%) for overhead expense and such taps or connections to the water mains shall be then made by the employees of the City Water and Sewer Department or the plumber engaged by the applicant. (1994 Code)