BUILDING SETBACK LINES: Lines within a lot or other parcel of land, so designated on the plat of the proposed subdivision, between which, and the adjacent boundary of the street upon which, the lot abuts, the erection of an enclosed structure or portion thereof is prohibited.
BUTT LOTS: Lots the rear lot lines of which abut the side lot lines of other lots platted in the same block and not separated therefrom by an alley or other open space.
COLLECTOR STREET: A street which carries traffic from minor streets to the major street system, including the principal entrance streets of residence development and the primary circulating streets within such a development.
CROSSWALK: A public or private right of way across a block to be used by pedestrians and/or for underground utilities.
EASEMENT: The quantity of land set aside for which a liberty, privilege, or advantage in land without profit, existing distinct from the ownership of land, is granted to the public or some particular person or part of the public.
FINAL PLAT: A map or chart of a subdivision which has been accurately surveyed, and such survey marked on the ground so that streets, blocks, lots, and other divisions thereof can be identified.
LOT WIDTH: The width of the lot measured along the minimum building setback line, except for lots which front on the concave side of a curving street, where the width of lot shall measure sixty feet (60') back from the front lot line.
MAJOR STREET: A public thoroughfare with a high degree of traffic continuity having a width established in the table, "Minimum Standards For Street Design", in section 4-6-9 of this title.
OWNER: Includes the plural as well as the singular, and may mean either a natural person, firm, association, partnership, private corporation, public or quasi-public corporation, or combination of any of these.
PLANNING COMMISSION: The local planning commission of the city of Wenona, Illinois.
PRELIMINARY PLAT: A map or plan of a proposed land division or subdivision.
STREET: A public or private thoroughfare which affords primary access by pedestrians and vehicles to abutting property.
SUBDIVISION: A division of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of: a) transfer of ownership, b) building development, or c) redevelopment, including all changes in street or lot lines; provided, however, that divisions of land for agricultural purposes of five (5) acres or more not involving any new street or easement of access shall be exempted.
TENTATIVE APPROVAL: Approval with or without recommended alterations given to a preliminary plat by the planning commission, and provides the necessary authority to proceed with the preparation and presentation of the final plat.
WENONA, MUNICIPALITY OF: The city of Wenona, Marshall County, Illinois. (Ord. 070102C, 7-1-2002)