A.   Mailed Notice: Written mailed notice shall be sent by first class mail to all owners of real property within three hundred feet (300') (in any direction) of the property being considered for review or a permit. Notice shall be mailed within, not less than, ten (10) calendar days prior to the hearing date of the decisionmaking or recommending body (as specified in section 10-55-1). The basis for determining the affected property owners shall be the latest County Assessor's records. The notice shall include:
      1.   The date, time and place of the meeting;
      2.   The body before which the hearing is scheduled;
      3.   The case number, project docket number, or other identification number of the project, and the project's title;
      4.   The project's address;
      5.   The name of the proponent;
      6.   The type of project or projects, including an identification of all types of actions required;
      7.   A general description of the proposed project as submitted by the proponent. The Planning Commission may edit the description to more clearly define the legal parameters under which the project is to be reviewed. The description should be neutral in tone and not be inappropriately embellished to create a belief that the City either favors or disapproves of the application;
      8.   A statement explaining when and where interested persons can obtain information;
      9.   The name of staff member and direct phone number to contact the staff member; and
      10.   An explanation as to how to participate in the hearing.
   B.   Published Notice For All Projects: At least ten (10) calendar days before the meeting, the City shall cause to be published a notice or copy of the agenda in a newspaper of general circulation in and for the City of Wellsville. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)