A.   Permit Required:
      1.   All signs within this section, pursuant to Table 10-40-4 (B)(1), shall require a Design Review Permit. Exceptions exist pursuant to Section 10-40-2. Public Service Announcements are also exempt from this title.
      2.   No off premise advertising permitted. Advertising copy may only advertise business on the same property or within the same project, as outlined in an approved Design Review Permit, as the sign itself.
   B.   Permitted Zones:
      1.   EMDs shall only be permitted in the CC, CG, HT and IND zoning districts.
      2.   No EMDs shall be permitted within any other zoning districts.
   C.   Transitions:
      1.   Prohibited Transitions.
         a.   Scrolling or Travel.
         b.   Any text or graphic that "moves" or "has the appearance of movement" not specified in this section.
      2.   Permitted Transitions.
         a.   Dissolve, to require four (4) seconds of dissolve time between spots.
         b.   Fade, to require four (4) seconds of fade time between spots.
   D.   Frame Effects:
      1.   Prohibited Effects:
         a.   Flashing and Blinking.
         b.   Starburst.
         c.   Animation and Video.
         d.   New frame effects not identified herein.
         e.   No sign shall utilize a white background for greater than or equal to fifty percent (50%) of the sign area.
      2.   Permitted Effect(s):
         a.   Static image.
   E.   Dwell Time:
      1.   Each message/advertisement (spot) displayed on an EMD shall remain "on" and static for a minimum of twenty (20) seconds;
   F.   Operational Characteristics:
      1.   Level One (static) and Level Two (fade or dissolve) operational modes (as defined by the United States Sign Council) shall be permitted. Where Level Two is required to use transitions shall that last four (4) seconds from start of the transition to end of the transition.
   G.   Sign Brightness/Intensity: All EMDs are required to comply with the following standards:
      1.   EMD Sign Illumination Standards;
Photocell technology is required to be properly installed for all EMDs to allow for automatic dimming of the intensity of the sign illumination and accommodate varying light conditions.
      2.   LED and EMD Sign Illumination levels shall never exceed the following levels:
Intensity Level (NITS)
Daytime 15 min after sunrise
Nighttime 15 min. after sunset
Red Only
3,000 nits
500 nits
Amber Only
3,000 nits
500 nits
Full Color
5,000 nits
500 nits
      3.   Prior to the issuance of a Sign Permit, the manufacturer shall be required to submit written certification that the EMD has been manufactured to regulate the light intensity and photocell dimming to prevent the system from exceeding the maximum levels specified in the above table.
   H.   Sign Area:
      1.   Building Signs.
         a.   EMD sign area shall be included as part of the total allowable sign area for the building and never to exceed twenty-four (24) square feet.
      2.   Monument Signs: Permitted EMD's shall never solely consist of the entire sign area and the permitted size of an EMD shall not be more than 50% of the permitted freestanding sign area of a monument sign; and shall never exceed thirty (30) square feet in area.
   I.   Compliance:
      1.   New Signs: Any sign applied for or permitted under this chapter shall comply with Section 10-40-13.
      2.   Existing EMDs. All legally existing non-conforming EMDs shall comply with Section 10-40-12 (including operational characteristics) and otherwise be regulated by Section 10-59-8. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)