A.   Change Of Copy: Change of copy or the substitution of panels or faces of the same or less square feet on nonconforming signs shall be permitted. Repairs and maintenance of nonconforming signs such as repainting and electrical repairs shall be permitted. Change of copy shall not be made by replacement with an electronic message center without obtaining a design review permit in conformance with Chapter 10-40.
   B.   Enlargement Or Expansion: A legally existing nonconforming sign may at the discretion of the decisionmaking body be remodeled or redesigned for aesthetic or safety purposes. This discretionary action may be approved with a Design Review Permit if it is found that the design and appearance of the sign is an aesthetic improvement over the nonconforming sign.
   C.   Moving: It shall be unlawful to move or relocate any existing sign, except in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 10-40.
   D.   Abandoned Signs: Any nonconforming sign that ceases being used for a continuous period of ninety (90) days shall not be reused for sign purposes until it is brought into full compliance with the standards of the sign regulations in effect at the time a permit for a new sign is proposed.
   E.   Abandoned Businesses: Any nonconforming sign that pertains to a business or institution that ceases operation for a period of ninety (90) days or more shall not be reused for sign purposes until it is brought into full compliance with the standards of sign regulations in effect at the time a permit for a new sign is proposed.
   F.   Illegal Signs: No sign may be considered a legally existing nonconforming sign under the was never lawfully established provisions of this chapter if the sign. (Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)