Landscaping in public rights-of-way should be designed to conserve water, use drip irrigation systems and use plants that conserve water._ All streets, either public or private, shall provide a planted landscaped park strip to City specifications, and be perpetually maintained by the adjacent property owner. Plantings within the right-of-way or park strip will not count towards meeting the performance landscape requirements of Section 10-39-5 .
   A.   Street trees shall be planted within the entire parkstrip adjacent or abutting the development frontage at a uniform spacing of thirty feet (30') on center. If no parkstrip exists, trees shall be planted adjacent to the roadway edge located as required in Standards and Specifications of the City of Wellsville. Tree size, species, and locations shall be approved by the Planning Commission and shall be included in the Landscape Plan (Section 10-39-5).
   B.   Landscaping in park strips shall be installed and maintained as follows:
      1.   In all park strips, street trees are required as 10-39-6-A.
      2.   Plants, including trees, shall be irrigated with water conserving irrigation systems.
      3.   Parks strips shall be planted with live plantings of shrubs and ground cover which will grow to cover at least fifty (50) percent of the total area of the park strip when the plants mature. Shrubs and other plant material located within all park strips shall not exceed three feet (31) in height at maturity. Potential hazardous plant material containing thorns or spikes shall be prohibited in the park strip. When calculating park strip coverage percentage areas, plants may be measured at mature spread excluding street trees.
      4.   In new residential development the follow is required:
         a.   No lawn shall be planted in park strips less than eight (8) feet in width.
         b.   No more than fifty (50) percent of the front and side yard landscaping may be lawn. Lawn limitations do not apply to small residential lots with less than two hundred-fifty (250) square feet of landscaped area in the front yard.
   C.   Stone, gravel, mulch, or other decorative hardscape materials shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the park strip area ground cover. Decorative boulders and similar features shall be less than eighteen inches (18") in height. Poured concrete, asphalt or other similar solid surface paving is prohibited within the park strip, except for driveway approaches and adjacent commercial uses.
   D.   Landscaping and any other surface material located within the right-of-way between the edge of traveled way and the property shall not be used for the storage, sale, and/or display of merchandise.
   E.   Where Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) rights-of-way are involved in the development of landscaping, state permits shall be obtained and landscaping with UDOT rights-of-way shall conform to state standards.
   F.   Anyone installing materials for paving, landscaping or storing within the public right-of-way shall be responsible to pay for removal or restoration of such materials in the event that the Public Works Department is required, by its duty of maintenance and use of streets, culverts, drains, ditches, waterways, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street trees, public utilities and any other service provided by the city or utility providers located within the right-of-way.(Title 7.1.1 A-C). The cost of removal and/or restoration necessary for the Public Works Department to do its duty shall be reimbursed to the City by the responsible property owner(s) for the amount required to perform the work.
(Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019; amd. Ord. 2023-04, 4-19-2023)