Landscaping requirements are intended to establish a minimum standard by which a property owner may use to design a set of landscape drawings that can be approved and constructed through the City’s development process.
   A.   For commercial, industrial, mixed-use, and multi-family projects located within the any zone.
      1.   At least fifty percent (50%) of the required landscape area of the project shall be living, planted landscape.
      2.   Twenty (20) trees shall be required for every acre of land. For parcels of land where fractions of acres occur, the requirement for trees shall be proportionate to the fractional acreage.
      3.   Fifty (50) shrubs shall be required per one (1) acre of gross land.
      4.   Plant material shall be placed around the perimeter of the building footprint in a three foot (3') minimum planting strip with the exception of entrances, utilities and where setbacks are less than three feet (3').
      5.   When abutting Highway 89/91 the required setback area shall be fully landscaped with at least one (1) tree for every twenty feet (20') of frontage, planted in a naturalistic pattern.
      6.   Street trees required 10-39-6 A. and F.
   B.   For multi-family, mixed use, and projects located within a future Mixed Residential zone excluding single family homes.
      1.   At least seventy-five percent (75%) of the required useable open space of the project shall be planted landscape area.
      2.   Twenty-four (24) trees shall be required per one (1) acre of gross land.
      3.   Fifty (50) shrubs shall be required per one (1) acre of gross land.
      4.   Plant material shall be placed around the perimeter of the building footprint in a three (3) foot minimum planting strip with the exception of entrances, utilities and where setbacks are less than three feet.
      5.   When abutting Highway 89/91 the required setback area shall be fully landscaped with at least one (1) tree for every twenty (20) feet of frontage, planted in a naturalistic pattern.
   C.   Plant Selection: Plants selected for landscape areas shall be well suited for Wellsville's climate and soil conditions at the project site. Plants with similar water needs shall be grouped together as much as possible. On slopes greater than thirty percent (30%), plant material shall be selected to reduce the risk of soil erosion. Native and drought tolerant plant material are encouraged and should be used whenever possible. Projects should have a diverse mix of plant species for disease resistance and visual interest.
   D.   Mulch: Mulch is encouraged in non-turf areas to retain water, discourage weed growth and moderate soil temperatures. Weed barrier fabrics shall be a porous material to allow water and air to infiltrate the soils below.
   E.   Use of Evergreen Trees and Shrubs: A minimum of twenty-five (25%) percent of the plant material used for the project shall be evergreen trees and shrubs to provide visual interest year-round and for dense landscape screening.
   Table 10-39-5E.: Species Diversity Requirements
Required Number of Trees
Minimum Number of Species
   F.   Screening Of Service Areas: Landscape shall be used to provide visual and audio buffers between pedestrian and service areas. Use multiple planting layers and stager plants to provide screening from various viewpoints. Loading docks, storage of material or vehicles, and other service areas shall be screened from public view as specified in the design review process. Acceptable screening may include plant material, fencing, walls, earth berm or a combination as approved by the decision-makers.
      1.   Solid waste receptacles, recycling bins, refuse storage shall be screened from view on three (3) sides by a fence or wall with a minimum height of six feet (6') or one foot (1') taller than the receptacle, whichever is greater. Waste disposal receptacles shall be located out of the public view insofar as is practical. See Section 10-11-16 .
      2.   The enclosure shall be compatible in material and color with the primary structure on the lot if located within twenty feet (20') of the building, if located beyond twenty feet (20') from the structure the enclosure should be designed to minimize the visual impact and blend in with surrounding landscaping.
      3.   Waste disposal and recycling receptacles shall be consolidated to reasonably minimize the number of collection sites and to equalize the distance from the buildings they serve.
   G.   Enhance Or Develop Pedestrian-Oriented Spaces Within A Project: Such as Walkway Landscaping and Creation of Usable Outdoor Spaces.
      1.   Use vertical landscaping to break up long stretches of linear wall planes and to soften the hard edges of the built environment.
      2.   Provide a balance between the overall appearance of the landscaping as a part of a planned site and the buildings on the site. The City's objective is to ensure that the site has dense landscaping in terms of the land area dedicated to landscaping and in vertical elevation of landscaping.
      3.   Any flexibility to be applied by the decision-makers shall be based on achieving an attractive site with installations of landscaping that are designed to complement and enhance the site development.
      4.   A variety of tree species shall be provided in conformance with Table 10-39-5E.
   H.   Submission Of Landscape Plans:
      1.   All commercial, industrial, mixed-use and multi-family landscape plans shall be prepared and stamped by a Licensed Landscape Architect registered with the State of Utah.
      2.   Landscape plans shall be submitted prior to or included with submittal for Building Permit.
      3.   Landscape plans shall be of adequate size and detail so the decisionmakers can see the land area to be planted and the appearance of plantings at seventy-five percent (75%) of mature growth.
      4.   Landscape plans and details shall be drawn in a professional manner with credible representations of plant sizes and site features. The Planning Commission or staff may reject plans which do not accurately depict the site landscaping.
      5.   Landscape plans shall be accompanied by a planting schedule that identifies both the common and scientific name of each species. The schedule shall include the size and type of plant material to be installed.
      6.   Landscape plans shall be drawn to scale and have a north arrow. Site features including buildings, parking lots, streets, existing vegetation, utilities should be shown for reference and orientation. Planting details and Irrigation specifications will generally not be including with the submitted Performance Landscape plan unless unique situations are associated with the project requiring further detail.
      7.   Show on the landscape plans the location and connection type of backflow prevention.
   I.   Review Of Landscape Plans: Landscape plans may be approved upon a finding that the plan meets or exceeds the purposes and objectives of this chapter through either:
      1.   Natural land characteristics or existing vegetation on the proposed development site; or
      2.   Innovative landscaping or architectural design.
   Figure 10-39-5: Example of a Landscape Plan
(Ord. 2019-04, 10-16-2019)