For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates of requires a different meaning.
   ATHLETIC EVENT. An athletic activity involving running, walking and/or cycling and associated activities conducted over, under, upon and/or across a public right-of-way.
   CARNIVAL. Any public amusement show including rides, games and/or sideshows.
   FESTIVAL. A public celebration featuring cultural exhibitions, competitions, performances, art, merchandise and/or vendor sales.
   MAJOR EVENT. Any event other than an approved minor event.
   MINOR EVENT. An Event which meets all of the following criteria:
      (1)   Involves the closing of less than one city block;
      (2)   Is less than 24 hours in duration, including set-up and tear-down time;
      (3)   Involves less than 500 participants; and
      (4)   Has no impact on town services.
   ORGANIZER. The person or entity in charge of organizing and conducting a permitted special event.
   OUTDOOR SPECIAL EVENT or EVENT. A temporary public assembly outside the confines of an enclosed structure on private and/or public property including, but not limited to, carnivals, festivals, parades and athletic events, but shall not include special events in parks.
   PARADE. An organized procession upon a festive or ceremonial occasion.
   PRIVATE PROPERTY EVENTS. Events conducted solely on private property, not open to the public and not requiring the use of any public right-of-way.
   PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. Any street, sidewalk, alley and/or easement dedicated to the public use.
   SITE PLAN. A diagram approximately to scale depicting all public rights-of-way sought to be closed and utilized for the conduct of the event, the location of any structure, stand, tent, vehicle, sign, restroom facilities, trash receptacles and/or displays to be used while conducting the event.
   SPECIAL EVENT SITE. Geographic limits of all activities conducted as a part of the special event. For athletic events, it includes the route of the event.
   TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN. The method of providing traffic control through and around the special event site showing the placement of all necessary temporary traffic-control devices.
   VENDOR. Any person or entity engaged in the provision of merchandise, services or food and beverages for a fee at any special event or tickets therefor.
(Ord. 2021-09-01, passed 9-9-2021)