The open burning of refuse for the purpose of volume reduction, elimination or product recovery by any person, firm, corporation, association or public agency is prohibited except for the following exemptions:
(a) Vegetation grown on the premises of a home provided that there is compliance with the provisions of this section and any applicable State law or other municipal ordinances, and the health, safety, comfort and property of persons are protected from the effects of such burning.
(b) Fires set for the purpose of bona fide instruction and training of public and industrial employees and members of volunteer fire departments in the methods of fighting fires, provided that approval to conduct such burning is received from the Director or his duly authorized representative.
(c) Open burning of construction and demolition wastes, provided that all the following conditions are met:
(1) There is no practical alternate method for the disposal of the materials to be burned;
(2) The health, safety, comfort and property of persons are protected from the effects of such burning;
(3) Such burning shall not be conducted for salvage purposes; and,
(4) Approval to conduct such burning is received from the Director or his duly authorized representative.
(d) Backyard open burning for the reduction of refuse produced on the premises as long as the amount does not exceed that weight normally produced by the everyday living habits of one family, until such families are serviced by a municipal or private refuse collection service.
(e) The exemptions listed in this section are subject to the following stipulation: Upon notification by the Director, no person shall cause, allow or permit any form of open burning during existing or predicted periods of atmospheric stagnation. Notification shall be made by such means as the Director may deem necessary and feasible.