(a)   All single-family dwelling units (Use Class 1) shall comply with the following design standards regardless of the zoning district in which they are located:
      (1)   Roof pitch shall have a minimum height ratio of 3:12;
      (2)   Roofing material shall be of a type that is in compliance with the West Virginia State Building Code;
      (3)   Roof overhang or eaves shall be designed for a minimum of six inches as measured from the vertical side of the building and not including rain gutters, which are required;
      (4)   The unit’s exterior finish shall be wood siding, vinyl siding, composite siding (cement board), stone, brick or other material approved by the West Virginia State Building Code.  The entire perimeter of every unit shall be enclosed, except exterior porch and deck areas;
      (5)   All housing units shall rest on a permanent foundation.
      (6)   With regard to factory built homes, all tow bars, axles and wheels shall be removed;
      (7)   Must be located in a lot which meets the requirements of Schedule II of this Article.
      (8)   Have a permanent connection to all utilities as required by this Code.
      (9)   No single family dwelling unit shall be less than twenty-four feet in width.  Provided, that this standard shall not apply to any existing nonconforming unit less than twenty-four feet in width, or to the construction or rebuilding of a unit on a lot occupied by such nonconforming unit at the time of adoption of this provision.
   (b)   The above standards shall not prevent the use, installation or construction of temporary emergency housing necessitated by flooding or other disasters, which housing units may be furnished or required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other state or federal governmental agency.
(Ord. 2018-04.  Passed 9-11-18.)