(a)   Calling Meeting to Order.  The Mayor shall take the chair and call Council to order precisely at the hour of meeting, and, if a quorum is present, cause the minutes of the preceding meeting to be read.
   (b)   Order of Business.  The order of business of Council shall be:
      (1)   To read, correct and approve minutes.
      (2)   To receive and consider reports of standing committees.
      (3)   To receive and consider reports of special committees.
      (4)   To consider messages from the Mayor.
      (5)   To receive petitions and communications.
      (6)   To receive reports of boards.
      (7)   To receive reports of City officials.
      (8)   To consider unfinished business on minutes.
      (9)   To receive new business.
      (10)   To receive motion to adjourn.
   (c)   Special Committees.  In addition to the standing committees established by subsection (o) hereof, Council may appoint special committees for any purpose from time to time as may be required.  Such special committees shall be appointed by the presiding officer.
   (d)   Discretion of Council in Making Referrals to Committees.  Any matter may be referred by Council to any committee other than the one to which it would be referred under the rules.
   (e)   Duty to Vote.  Every member of Council present, when a question is put shall vote unless Council excuses him, or it is a question on which he is not entitled to vote.
   (f)   Recording Votes.  Upon call of any member of Council the yeas and nays on any question shall be taken and recorded in the journal.
   (g)   Receiving Messages from Mayor.  When a message from the Mayor is announced, business shall be suspended until it is received, unless Council is at the time actually engaged in taking a vote on some question, in which case it shall be received as soon as the result of the vote is announced.  When received, it shall be on the table to be disposed of in its turn, unless otherwise ordered by Council.
   (h)   Amending Rules of Procedure.  Any proposition to amend the rules of procedure set out in this section shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and laid over until the next regular meeting, when, if the amendment receives the votes of two-thirds of those present, it shall be adopted.
   (i)   Suspending Rules for Immediate Action.  Whenever any matter requires immediate action of Council it may be considered at once, if, on motion made for that purpose, all the members of Council present, vote in favor of suspending the rules set out in this section.
   (j)   Robert's Rules of Order.  The rules of parliamentary practice, comprised in the Robert's Rules of Order, shall govern Council in all cases not provided in this section.
   (k)   Quorum.  A majority of the members of Council shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time.
   (l)   Schedule of Regular Meetings; Procedure for Calling Special Meetings.  Regular meetings of Council shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month except as follows:
      (1)   When such regular meeting date falls on a legal holiday or election day.
      (2)   When such meeting is not feasible because of natural disaster or civil disorder.
      (3)   When for good cause the Mayor finds that such meeting is not in
the best interest of the City and the members of Council.
   In any of the instances set forth in paragraph (1), (2) or (3) of this subsection, the regular meeting date shall be set at a time as near the second Tuesday as practicably possible by the Mayor.
   Notice of regular meetings to the members of Council shall not be required.  However, when the regular meeting is not held on the second Tuesday, notice of the appointed time for such regular meeting shall be served as provided in subsection (n) hereof.
   Special meetings may be called by the Mayor in advance upon notice given as prescribed in subsection (n) hereof.  Such notice of meeting shall designate the measures to be considered at such meeting and except on unanimous vote of Council no other measures may be considered at such special meeting.
   Special meetings may be also called by a petition of five or more members of Council; such petition to be in writing and to designate the measures to be considered at such special meeting.
   In the event such a petition is presented to the Mayor or the City Clerk, either of them may set the time and place for such meeting which shall be held promptly after the filing of such petition.
   In any case where a special meeting is called upon the petition of five or more members no compensation shall be paid to the Mayor or members of Council for attendance at special meetings.
   (m)   Attendance at Meetings.  All members of Council shall attend all meetings and if not present on the appointed hour for any meeting, it shall be the duty of the Mayor to notify such absent member to attend.
   (n)   Notice to Attend Meetings.  All notices required by subsection (m) hereof shall be served by the Mayor, the Chief of Police, the City Clerk or any member of Council, by reading the same within the hearing of the members intended to be notified, or by leaving a copy of such notice at the usual place of abode of such member, or at his place of business.
   (o)   Standing Committees.
      (1)   Appointment.  The standing committees of Council shall be appointed by Council as provided by Section 15 of the City Charter.
      (2)   Enumerated.  Pursuant to subsection (o)(1) hereof, the following standing committees shall be appointed:
         A.   Finance.
         B.   Community Services.
         C.   City Property.
         D.   Ordinance.
         E.   Parks and Recreation
      (3)   Composition.  Standing committees appointed pursuant to subsection (o)(2) hereof shall consist of such members as the appointing authority may direct, and shall have as chairman such member as may be designated by the appointing authority.
      (4)   Term.  The standing committees named in subsection (o)(2) hereof shall continue as organized in each Council until the next succeeding Council.  The Parks and Recreation Committee, formed by the 2012 amendments to this section, shall be appointed immediately upon final adoption of this amendment.
      (5)   Committee on Finance.  The Committee on Finance shall have referred to it all matters relating to taxation, licenses, and all other sources of income or revenue to the City.  It shall take out and apportion to the several departments of the City for which appropriations are required, such parts of the revenue as may be necessary for the proper maintenance of these departments.
         It shall be the duty of the Committee on Finance to report as soon as possible after the organization of each Council, the estimated income from all sources and the estimated expenditures for the succeeding year.
         It shall inspect and examine all bills and present them to Council, and shall also audit the accounts of the City Clerk and City Collector and Treasurer once every year and make report of the condition thereof.
      (6)   Committee on Community Services.  The Committee on Community Services shall have responsibility for the following:
         A.   All matters relating to the police, markets and nuisances.
         B.   Oversee the operation of the Fire Department.
         C.   Oversee enforcement of all health ordinances and prescribe the duties of the health officer.
         D.   Supervising collection of garbage, refuse and similar material.
      (7)   Committee on City Property.  The Committee on City Property shall have responsibility for the following:
         A.   All matters relating to the property of the City.
         B.   Making all recommendations as to purchases, repairs, improvements and leases of City Property.
         C.   All matters relating to the streets and alleys of the City including the grading, paving, and improving of the streets and alleys, the general care of the same, and the laying of sewers and drains.
         D.   Long range plans for improvements to streets, public building and other City property.
      (8)   Committee on Ordinances.  The Committee on Ordinances shall have the responsibility for the preparing, drafting, and revision of ordinances.
      (9)   Committee on Parks and Recreation.  The Committee on Parks and Recreation shall have responsibility for making all recommendations as to the proper acquisition, development, equipping, maintenance, supervision, and operation of the City’s recreational parks and facilities.  It shall review annually the proposed budget and shall make recommendations with respect thereto prior to the formal adoption of the budget.  It shall also consider such other matters as may be brought before it in the discretion of the City Manager, the City Parks Director, the Mayor or the Council.
      (10)   Reports of Committees.  All reports of committees shall be in writing and signed by the members of the committee concurring in the report.
      (11)   Committee meetings.  Each standing committee shall have a meeting at a regular time and place to be determined by such committee.
      (12)   Budget requirements.  Each of the committees named in subsection (o)(2) hereof shall report as soon as possible after the organization of Council, its estimate of the sum of money necessary to be appropriated to the objects under its control.  Such reports shall be given to the Committee on Finance to be considered in making up the yearly estimate and apportionment.
      (13)   Referral of ordinances, to committee.  All ordinances, resolutions and orders introduced for the consideration of Council, shall be presented in writing by the member offering the same, and unless Council otherwise orders, shall be referred by the presiding officer, without motion, to the proper committee.
      (14)   Reports by committees on matters referred.  Whenever any matter is referred to a standing committee, if such reference occurs at a regular meeting or at a special meeting, held not less than two weeks before a regular meeting, the committee shall report thereon at the next regular meeting, but if such reference occurs less than two weeks before a regular meeting, such report shall be at the second regular meeting succeeding the time of reference; special committees may report at any time.  (Ord. 2012-10-1.  Passed 11-13-12.)