Each owner of a dwelling within the city that is rented or offered for rent for residential purposes shall maintain a register of occupancy for each dwelling unit, long-term hotel dwelling unit and rooming house dwelling unit, which register shall be available for examination by city officials, and shall include the following information:
   (A)   The address of each dwelling unit, long-term hotel dwelling unit, and rooming house dwelling unit;
   (B)   The number of bedrooms in each dwelling unit, long-term hotel dwelling unit, and rooming house dwelling unit;
   (C)   The names of the current occupants off each dwelling unit, long-term dwelling unit, and rooming house dwelling unit; and
   (D)   The telephone numbers of the current occupants of each dwelling unit, long-term hotel dwelling unit, and rooming house dwelling unit.
(Ord. 231, passed 9-8-1997) Penalty, see § 10.99