(a)   The Village Manager may establish rules, regulations, and orders in connection with the use of public a public right of way, which shall include but are not limited to provisions relating to:
      (1)   Reasonable requirements for installation maintenance and appearance;
      (2)   Nondiscriminatory setback or fall-zone requirements;
      (3)   Time limitations within which authorized installation must be commenced; and
      (4)   Any other provisions reasonably related to the public health, safety, or welfare, which are not in conflict with State law
   (b)   Whenever the Village Manager establishes rules, regulations, or orders as described in subsection (a) above, he shall:
      (1)   Forward a copy to the Mayor and each member of Council; and
      (2)   Maintain a copy of the rule, regulation, or order in a collection to be known as the Village Manual of Policies and Procedures, where they shall be available for public inspection.
   In addition, such rules, regulations, or orders shall be made available for public access through the Village's Website, or otherwise on the Internet; provided, however, that the delay or failure to make them so available, or any inability to access them on the Internet, shall not affect the enforceability of such rules, regulations or orders.
   (c)   No person shall fail to comply with any lawful rule, regulation, or order in connection with the use of a public right of way.
(Ord. 2016-53. Passed 12-19-16.)