(a)   Each license issued under this Chapter shall be in effect for a period of twelve months and shall expire on the anniversary of its issuance , unless renewed for a successive twelve months or unless earlier suspended or revoked.
   (b)   Each license issued under this Chapter shall be a personal privilege and shall not vest a property right.
   (c)   Each license issued under this Chapter shall be prominently displayed in a conspicuous place at the site for which it is issued and shall be open to public inspection.
   (d)   Each license issued under this Chapter shall be issued in the name of the applicant.
   (e)   A license issued under this Chapter shall not be assignable or transferable, either as to person, business, entity, or location.
   (f)   Licenses for Computerized Sweepstakes Devices shall comply with these requirements:
      (1)   One license shall be issued for each Device.
      (2)   Each license shall specify: name and address of the licensee, name of the manufacturer, model number and serial number of the Device for which it is issued.
      (3)   A license shall be invalid if the Device is moved to a new location.
      (4)   A license shall be invalid if changed, mutilated, erased, or in any manner defaced.
   (g)   Licenses for Sweepstakes/Internet Cafes shall comply with these requirements:
      (1)   One license shall be issued for an individual business at an individual premises.
      (2)   Each license shall specify name and address of the licensee, and the manufacture, model number, and serial number of each Computerized Sweepstakes Device located on the premises for which the license is issued.
      (3)   A license shall be invalid if changed, mutilated, erased, or in any manner defaced.
      (4)   The person, partnership, corporation, or other entity operating or conducting the business shall have a continuing duty to inform the Village as to changes in the information required in the application for license.
         (Ord. 2011-09. Passed 4-18-11.)