§ 355.01 PURPOSE.
   (A)   Short title. This article and ordinances supplemental and amendatory to it shall be known and may be cited as “Residential Disability Parking Space Ordinance.”
   (B)   Purpose. This article is enacted for the purpose of establishing an application process for residential disability parking spaces (hereinafter referred to as “RDPS”) within public rights-of-way within the corporate municipal limits of the city, and to authorize within the scope and framework of this article the procedures by which the Traffic Commission may review applications for RDPS and forward recommendations for Council action in a consistent, uniform, non-discriminatory manner.
   (C)   Authority. This article is an action of the Common Council to address the issuance, maintenance, and term of RDPS within the city’s corporate municipal limits.
(Ord. 1309, passed 1-8-01)