(A)   No city-owned motor vehicle or piece of mobile equipment shall be used, except on business of the city.
   (B)   While going to and from work, employees driving city-owned vehicles will avoid deviation from the normal route taken each day.
   (C)   Only authorized employees of the city or authorized individuals having official business with the city are permitted to operate or be a passenger in a city-owned vehicle. Individuals in the custody or care of authorized city employees shall not constitute a violation of this rule.
   (D)   When a vehicle is damaged due to an employee's negligence or while being driven outside the scope of employment, the driver may be required to reimburse the city for such damages.
   (E)   Whenever a city employee is driving a city-owned vehicle, he or she shall comply with all traffic regulations and laws relating to driving as well as use all the safety devices that are provided with the vehicle such as seat belts, etc.
   (F)   Except for emergency conditions, whenever a city-owned vehicle is left unattended, the city employee shall lock the vehicle.
   (G)   Any citations and fines relating to the use of a city-owned vehicle by a city employee shall be paid by the assigned driver of said vehicle.
   (H)   All accidents and citations or fines involving city-owned vehicles shall be reported as soon as practicable by the employee to a department supervisor whose responsibility it will be to report the accident to the City Manager by no later than the next working day. All accidents involving city commercial vehicles shall be reported immediately to a department supervisor whose responsibility it will be to arrange for a commercial driver's license (CDL) drug and alcohol testing as required.
   (I)   All employees must possess a valid operator's license or chauffeur's license before being permitted to drive a city-owned vehicle.
   (J)   City employees assigned a city-owned vehicle, or who have frequent use of a city-owned vehicle, shall be required to sign a consent form authorizing the city to obtain the employee's driver's abstract from the Department of Motor Vehicles.
   (K)   Any city employee whose driver's license is suspended or revoked by any court of any state or by the Department of Motor Vehicles shall immediately report such action to their supervisor or the City Manager.
   (L)   No city employee may operate a city-owned vehicle while under license suspension or revocation of any state. When such suspension or revocation is lifted, an employee may drive a city-owned vehicle only after a review by the City Manager.
   (M)   By January 15th of every year, all department heads shall report to the City Manager the name of every person assigned a city-owned vehicle or who may have frequent use of a city-owned vehicle and verification that the employee presented to the department head a valid driver's license, and the date that the department head verified the same.
   (N)   A city-owned vehicle assigned to an employee shall continue to be part of the vehicle fleet and is not to be considered as assigned to the employee personally.
   (O)   If any employee cannot comply with the policies set forth in this chapter, the employee shall not be assigned nor permitted to drive a city-owned vehicle.
   (P)   Failure to comply with any part of these rules may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination, and this may include the loss of the consent to drive the city-owned vehicle home.
('71 Code, § 107.03) (Ord. 1552, passed 12-10-07) Penalty, see § 101.99