§ 105.06 WARD FIVE.
   Beginning at the intersection of the Conrail Railroad main line (railroad main) and a line 1,150 feet due west of the northward extended center line of Elm Street; thence southward along a line being 50 feet west of Brookline Drive to a point 125 feet east of Morgan Drive; thence southward along a line being 125 feet east of Morgan Drive then southward to an intersection with the westernmost point on Heaslett Avenue; thence southwesterly along a line running north of Gullette Lane to a point being 500 feet southwest of the southernmost point of Eastview Place (street); thence leaving such line at a 90° angle northwest to the intersection of the Brooke and Hancock County lines; thence west along said county line crossing the Ohio River to the West Virginia and Ohio state line, being the western corporate limits; thence northward along said state line to a point due west of the intersection of Fourth Street, West Virginia Route 2, and St. John's Road, being the intersection of a pipe line (Columbia Gas transmission line #29); thence due east along pipe line, crossing the Ohio River to the intersection of the Conrail Railroad main line to point and place of beginning. Comprising Ward 5, City of Weirton, West Virginia, Hancock County voting precincts 17 and 18, and Brooke County voting precincts 34 and part of 26.
('71 Code, § 105.06) (Ord. 1080, passed 10-11-94)