No person shall keep, occupy, use or permit to be kept occupied or used, a place, building, room, table, establishment or apparatus for policy or numbers playing or for the sale of what are commonly called “lottery policies.” No person shall deliver or receive money or other valuable consideration in playing policy or numbers or in aiding in the playing thereof, or for what is commonly called a lottery policy, or for any writing or document in the nature of a bet, wager or insurance upon the drawing or selection or the drawn or selected numbers of any policy or numbers lottery. No person shall have in his possession, knowingly, any writing, paper or document representing or being a record of any chance, share or interest in numbers sold, drawn or selected or to be drawn or selected in what is commonly called policy or numbers, or in the nature of a bet, wager or insurance upon the drawing or selection or the drawn or selected numbers of any policy or numbers lottery; or any paper, print, writing, number, device, policy slip or article of any kind, such as is commonly used in carrying on, promoting or playing the game commonly called policy or numbers. No person shall be the owner, agent, superintendent, janitor or caretaker of any place, building or room where policy or numbers playing or the sale of what are commonly called lottery policies is carried on with his knowledge or after notification that the premises are so used, permit such use to be continued or aid, assist or abet in any manner, in any of the offenses, acts or matters herein named.
('71 Code, § 517.09) Penalty, see § 101.99
Statutory reference:
   For similar provisions, see W. V. Code § 61-10-11a