(A)   Whoever shall be present at a fire shall be subject and obedient to the orders of the Chief of the Fire Department, the Captains, the Lieutenants, or to the orders of any Firefighter, Fire Marshal, Deputy Fire Marshal, or Police Officer in any matter relating to the extinguishing of fire and the removal and protection of property and maintenance of order. Whoever neglects or refuses to obey such orders, shall be guilty of a violation of this section. All police officers, Fire Marshals; and
   (B)   Deputy Fire Marshals shall have the power to arrest any person so neglecting or refusing to obey any such lawful orders, to hold him or her in custody until after the fire shall have been extinguished, and then to take the person before the Police Judge Municipal Court Judge or appropriate municipal court officer of the city to be dealt with according to law.
(Ord. 2041, passed 8-13-18)