It shall be unlawful for persons owning or occupying lots or parcels of land within the city to embellish the same by planting shade trees within the limits of the street adjoining such premises; provided, that such shade trees are planted between the sidewalk and the gutter; also to make and keep in order lawns and grass plots between the sidewalk and curbing, and any person who shall injure such trees or any of them, or any shade trees now growing within the limits of any street, or any grass plot or lawn which may have been planted or made in conformity with this section, or any shade tree, shrub, flower, or plant growing in any private or public grounds within the city, or cause the same to be injured by grading, breaking, tearing, cutting, picking, tying animals thereto, or in any manner, shall be subject to the penalties in this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 11-4-7) Penalty, see § 93.999