Dangerous Structures
1313.01   Definitions.
1313.02   Standards.
1313.03   Repair; vacation or demolition.
1313.04   Order to correct.
1313.05   Board of Appeal.
1313.99   Penalty.
Unsafe buildings removal or repair - see Ohio R.C. 715.26(B)
Collecting costs of abating dangerous property conditions - see Ohio R.C. 715.261
   Dangerous buildings or structures shall be and are hereby defined as follows:
   (a)   Those buildings and structures whose walls, whether interior or exterior, lean, lit or buckle to such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity falls outside of the middle of their base or bases;
   (b)   Those buildings or structures, exclusive of their foundations, show 30% or more of damage or deterioration of any of their supporting members or 50% damage or deterioration of their non-supporting exterior walls or roofs or outside covering;
   (c)   Those buildings or structures which have been damaged by fire, wind or other means so as to have become dangerous to life, limb, safety, morals or the general health of the inhabitants of the Village;
   (d)   Those buildings or structures which have become dilapidated, decayed, unsafe, unsanitary or which fail to provide wholesome or decent living conditions, or are likely to cause sickness, safety or general welfare of those living therein;
   (e)   Those buildings and structures having inadequate sanitation, are of unsound nature or are so deteriorated that they fail to protect the health, morals, safety or general welfare of the persons who reside therein;
   (f)   Those buildings and structures which have inadequate means of entering or leaving said buildings or structures in case of fire or panic or those having insufficient stairways, fire escapes or other means of communication;
   (g)   Those buildings or structures which have parts thereof which are so attached that they may fall upon or injure members of the general public or property;
   (h)   Those buildings or structures which exist in violation of any provision of the Building Code, Fire Prevention Code or other ordinances of the Village.
      (Ord. 6-84-362. Passed 7-3-84.)
1313.02 STANDARDS.
   The following standards shall be followed by the Village officials in ordering the repair, vacation or demolition:
   (a)   If the dangerous building or structure can reasonably be repaired so that it no longer exists in violation of the terms of this chapter, it shall be ordered repaired to a standard that will remove its classification as a dangerous building or structure;
   (b)   If the building or structure is in such a condition as to render it dangerous to the health, life, limb of the inhabitants of the Village and cannot be repaired reasonably, it shall be vacated;
   (c)   If the building or structure is 50% damaged or decayed, or deteriorated from its original condition at the time it was built, it shall be demolished, and in all cases where a building or structure cannot be reasonably repaired so that it will no longer be in violation of this chapter it shall be demolished.
      (Ord. 6-84-362. Passed 7-3-84.)
   All dangerous buildings or structures as defined by this chapter shall be and are hereby declared to be public nuisances, and shall be repaired, vacated or demolished.
(Ord. 6-84-362. Passed 7-3-84.)