1-5-2: MEETINGS:
   A.   Meeting Schedules Established: The village president and board of trustees will establish a meeting schedule for the next calendar year not later than the second board meeting in December prior to the start of the new year. All meetings shall be held at the Wayne Village Hall, 5N430 Railroad Street, Wayne, Illinois, unless otherwise ordered by the public entity. The village clerk shall post the notice of all meetings at the village hall, and shall supply a copy of the notice to those news media who have filed an annual request for notice, pursuant to the open meetings act 1 .
   B.   Village President And Board Of Trustees: The regular meetings of the president and board of trustees of the village shall be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month. All meetings shall commence at seven thirty o'clock (7:30) P.M. unless otherwise ordered by resolution at any regular meeting of the president and board of trustees. The dates of said regular meetings shall be set forth in the annual meeting schedule.
   C.   Special Meetings: Special meetings of the president and board of trustees may be held at any time on call for the same by the president or any three (3) or more trustees. Such call shall be in writing, duly signed, and shall be presented to the village clerk who shall proceed immediately to prepare written notices of the same and shall cause them to be served upon the president and members of the board of trustees at least forty eight (48) hours before the time of meeting, unless such meeting is an emergency meeting, in which case, notice shall be given as soon as practicable. Such notices shall describe in brief the nature or objects of the call. At every special meeting, the call for the same shall be read and afterwards filed by the village clerk. No business other than that proposed by the call of the meeting shall be in order at such meeting. (Ord. 98-24, 12-15-1998)
   D.   Village Board Committees: The dates of the regular meetings shall be set forth in the annual meeting schedule. Meetings may also be held pursuant to call of the chair of any of said committees in accordance with the provisions of the open meetings act 2 . (Ord. 98-24, 12-15-1998; amd. Ord. 02-14, 8-20-2002)
   E.   Commissions And Boards:
      1.   Plan Commission 3 : The regular meetings of the plan commission shall be held on the first Monday of each month unless otherwise provided by the annual meeting schedule or by the commission. All meetings shall commence at seven thirty o'clock (7:30) P.M., unless otherwise ordered by the commission. The dates of the regular meetings shall be set forth in the annual meeting schedule.
      2.   Private Roads And Drainage Commission 4 : The annual meeting of the private roads and drainage commission shall be held on the second Monday in January at seven thirty o'clock (7:30) P.M. All other meetings are subject to call by the Chair of the commission. The date of said annual meeting shall be set forth in the annual meeting schedule.
      3.   Historic Sites Commission 5 : The regular meetings of the Historic Sites Commission shall be held on the last Monday of each month at seven thirty o'clock (7:30) P.M., unless otherwise ordered by the commission. The dates of the regular meetings shall be set forth in the annual meeting schedule. (Ord. 98-24, 12-15-1998)
      4.   Park Commission 6 : The regular meeting of the Park Commission shall be on the second Wednesday of the month at seven o'clock (7:00) P.M., unless otherwise ordered by the commission. The dates of the regular meetings shall be set forth in the annual meeting schedule. (Ord. 18-22, 11-6-2018)
      5.   Zoning Board Of Appeals 7 : The regular meetings of the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be as set forth in the annual meeting schedule or at the call of the Chair. (Ord. 02-14, 8-20-2002)
   F.   Cancellation Procedures: The Chair of each committee, board or commission shall endeavor to inform the Village Clerk of any cancellation of any scheduled meeting at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. The Village Clerk shall thereupon inform those news media which have filed an annual request for notice, as provided in the Open Meetings Act 8 , of such cancellation and post a notice of such cancellation at the Village Hall.
   G.   Rescheduled Meetings: The Chair of each committee, board or commission shall inform the Village Clerk of any rescheduled meeting at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the scheduled meeting time. The Village Clerk shall thereupon inform those news media which have filed an annual request for notice, as provided in the Open Meetings Act 9 and post a notice of such rescheduled meeting at the Village Hall. (Ord. 98-24, 12-15-1998)
   H.   Electronic Meetings: The Board of Trustees may provide for the conduct of its meetings or meetings of committees thereof via electronic means, provided no meetings shall be held via such means until the Board shall have first promulgated rules therefor. Such rules, as amended from time to time, shall be approved by motion. (Ord. 03-21, 8-5-2003)



2. 5 ILCS 120/2.02.
1. 5 ILCS 120/1.01 et seq.
2. See section 2-2-3 of this code.
3. See section 2-6-2 of this code.
4. See section 9-1-3 of this Code.
5. See section 2-5-2 of this Code.
6. See section 2-3-3 of this Code.
1. 5 ILCS 120/2.02.
2. 5 ILCS 120/2.02.