A.   Requirement And Population Ratio: The estimated ultimate population of a proposed development shall bear directly upon the amount of land required for dedication. The total requirement shall be five and one-half (5.5) acres of land per one thousand (1,000) of the estimated ultimate population.
   B.   Location: A park site adjoining all elementary school sites of not less than five (5) acres shall be considered a requirement. A central location which will serve equally the entire development is most desirable. In large developments, these sites can be located throughout the development according to established standards for park area distances.
   C.   Credit For Private Open Space And Recreation Areas: When subdividers or developers provide their own open space for recreation areas and facilities, it has the effect of reducing the demand for local public recreational services. Depending upon the size of the development, a portion of the park and recreation area in subdivisions or planned unit developments may, at the option of the Village President and Board of Trustees, be provided in the form of "private" open space in lieu of dedicated "public" open space. The extent of same shall be determined by the Village President and Board of Trustees, based upon the needs of the projected residents and in conformance to the total park and recreational land for the general area. Wetlands, floodplains or retention/detention ponds generally will not be acceptable as land donations. However, the Village Board may accept land donations consisting of up to fifty percent (50%) of such areas if the Board determines the property is suitable for the intended purposes of this Chapter.
In general, a substitution of private open space for dedicated parks will imply a substantially higher degree of improvement and the installation of recreational facilities, including equipment, by the subdivider or developer as part of his obligation. Detailed plans of such areas, including specifications of facilities to be installed, must be approved by the Village, and before any credit is given for private recreation areas, the subdivider or developer must guarantee that these private recreation areas will be permanently maintained for such use by the execution of the appropriate legal documents and security for any improvements. Private swimming clubs are included in this provision. When an adjustment for private recreation areas is warranted, it will be necessary to compute the total park land dedication that would have been required from the subdivision of planned unit development and then subtract the credit to be given. (Ord. 91-21, 8-6-1991)