(A)   At the meeting convened under § 33.42 of this chapter, the County Board of Commissioners may exercise any of their normal executive and legislative powers to the extent related to the emergency and necessary to deal therewith.
   (B)   In addition to the powers enumerated in § 33.45(A) of this chapter, the Board may also exercise any of the following special and extraordinary powers.
      (1)   The County Board of Commissioners may extend the period of a local disaster emergency declared by the principal executive officer of the county, pursuant to § 33.41 of this chapter, to last more than seven days if necessary.
      (2)   The County Board of Commissioners may terminate the local disaster emergency.
      (3)   The County Board of Commissioners may assemble and utilize emergency management resources, including:
            1.   Personnel of the Department of Emergency Management;
            2.   Participating emergency services; and
            3.   Any other resources at the disposal of the Commissioners hereunder for emergency management purposes.
      (4)   The County Board of Commissioners may order volunteer forces which have been activated pursuant to the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan to the aid of the county, state or political subdivisions thereof as soon as practicable. These volunteer forces shall be under the direction of the Department of Emergency Management.
      (5)   In order to control the local disaster emergency and provide for public health, safety and welfare, the County Board of Commissioners may, to the extent permitted by I.C. 10-14-3-31 and subject to its provisions, command services and/or requisition the use of:
         (a)   Equipment;
         (b)   Facilities;
         (c)   Supplies; or
         (d)   Other property.
      (6)   The County Board of Commissioners may order the evacuation of all or part of the population from stricken areas of the county, and prescribe:
         (a)   Routes;
         (b)   Modes of transportation; and
         (c)   Evacuation destinations.
      (7)   The County Board of Commissioners may make provision for availability and use of temporary emergency housing, which housing need not necessarily comply with any minimum housing standards, building or zoning regulations and the like, which would govern the use and location of premises for housing purposes during normal times.
      (8)   Except in accordance with § 33.45(B)(1) of this chapter, the County Board of Commissioners shall not suspend any provisions of ordinances or procedures, which are mandated by statute.
      (9)   In the event of a disaster emergency that has been declared by the Governor, the County Board of Commissioners, in accordance with I.C. 10-14-3-17(j)(5), may waive any procedures or requirements of statute, or of county ordinances reflecting statutory requirements and mandates, pertaining to:
         (a)   The performance of public works;
         (b)   The entering into contracts;
         (c)   The incurring of obligations;
         (d)   The employment of permanent and temporary workers;
         (e)   The utilization of volunteer workers;
         (f)   The rental of equipment;
         (g)   The purchase and distribution of supplies, materials and facilities; and
         (h)   The appropriation and expenditure of public funds.
      (10)   The County Board of Commissioners may assign any special emergency duties and functions to county:
         (a)   Offices;
         (b)   Departments; and
         (c)   Agencies.
      (11)   Any unexpended and unencumbered moneys budgeted and appropriated, but not otherwise dedicated by law to different purposes may, within the scope of each major budget and appropriation category (major object classification), be utilized and expended for the purpose of carrying out such special emergency duties and functions.
      (12)   Pursuant to I.C. 10-14-3-22, the County Board of Commissioners may make, amend and rescind such orders, rules and regulations as may be necessary for emergency management purposes and to supplement the carrying out of the provisions of this chapter. Such orders, rules and regulations:
         (a)   Cannot be inconsistent with any orders, rules or regulations promulgated by the Governor or by any state agency exercising a power delegated to it by the Governor;
         (b)   Cannot be inconsistent with the county’s Emergency Management Program or Emergency Plan;
         (c)   Shall have full force and effect of law when filed in the office of the County Clerk; and/or
         (d)   Are enforceable by any local or state law enforcing authority in accordance with I.C. 10-14-3-24.
      (13)   The County Board of Commissioners may, in accordance with the Emergency Plan, request the state or the United States or their agencies and political subdivisions to send aid (including financial assistance) if the situation is beyond the control of the regular and emergency county forces and resources.
   (C)   All actions taken by the County Board of Commissioners under this section shall be:
      (1)   Adopted by ordinance or resolution, pursuant I.C. 10-14-3-22; and
      (2)   Consistent with, and subordinate to, any actions, orders or regulations made by the Governor or a state agency implementing the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan.
(Ord. 2005-007, passed 8-17-2005)