§ 110.04 PERMIT FEES.
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a bed and breakfast establishment and/or food establishment in Wayne County, who has not paid the permit fee required to be paid for the operation of such establishment.
   (B)   The fee shall be paid for a term beginning January 1, and/or before commencement of operation and expiring December 31, of the same year and the permit shall be applied for by the person and/or operator annually, by the first business day in February.
   (C)   Permit fees for the issuance of a permit under this chapter to a bed and breakfast establishment and/or a food establishment shall be set by the Wayne County Health Department, as provided by the Statutes of the State of Indiana (see I.C. 16-20-1-27).
   (D)   A receipt for the payment of such fee shall be provided by the Wayne County Health Department.
   (E)   The payment of such fees shall be required for each bed and breakfast establishment and/or food establishment operated or to be operated by any person.
   (F)   Exemption from permit fees. An organization that is exempt under I.C. 16-18-3-137 will not be subject to permit fees.
   (G)   Late fees.
      (1)   A late fee for failure to pay the permit fee prior to the operation of the bed and breakfast establishment and/or food establishment or the late fee for failure to renew a permit after the expiration of the permit to operate bed and breakfast establishment and/or food establishment shall be assessed, two times the original permit fee, in addition to the original permit fee, as set by the Wayne County Health Board.
      (2)   The payment of fees under this ordinance is not transferable or refundable.
   (H)   Event registration. Any food service event must register with the Wayne County Health Department at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the event. The food service event application will be provided by the Wayne County Health Department. Fees for registering a food service event are included in the Wayne County Health Department Fee Ordinance.
(Ord. 2021-011, passed 9-8-2021)