(a)   Whenever the Administrator determines that any structure, accessory structure, dwelling, dwelling unit, or premises thereof, fails to meet the provisions set forth in this Code or in applicable rules or regulations adopted pursuant thereto, he shall make reasonable effort to advise the owner or agent of the violation in person. In the event that personal contact can not be made, the Administrator shall send by regular mail a notice stating the nature of the violation found and request personal contact by the owner or agent. In the event that the violation has not been corrected after personal contact or after fourteen days from the date of the mailing of notice required herein, no personal contact has been made, or whenever the Administrator determines that an emergency situation exists pursuant to Section 1310.08 of this Code, a notice shall be issued either in person or by certified mail to the owner or agent that such violations must be corrected. This notice shall:
      (1)   Be in writing.
      (2)   Set forth the alleged violations of this Code or of applicable rules and regulations pursuant thereto.
      (3)   Describe the structure, dwelling, dwelling unit, accessory structure or premises where the violations are alleged to exist or to have been committed, and include a description of the real estate sufficient for identification.
      (4)   Be served upon the owner and/or agent of a structure, dwelling, dwelling unit, accessory structure or premises, personally or by certified mail, addressed to the last known place of residence or business of the owner, agent or authorized person in control. In all cases where a violation exists, the owner must be served with a copy of the order to abate violation by regular U.S. mail. Any notice of the Administrator of violations of Section 1310.06, shall be made either personally or by certified mail. In the event notice cannot be effected by either of those two means, service may be made by publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the community.
      (5)   Provide a stated reasonable time for the correction of any alleged violation.
(Ord. 2002-8. Passed 8-5-02.)
   (b)   If one or more persons to whom such notice is addressed cannot be found after a diligent effort to do so, service may be made upon such person or persons by posting a notice on or about the structure, dwelling, dwelling unit, accessory structure or premises described in such notice.
      (1)   The Administrator shall reinspect the property upon the expiration of the time set forth in such notice. The findings of the reinspection shall be supplied to the owner and/or agent or authorized person in control of the structure, dwelling, dwelling unit, accessory structure or premises.
      (2)   If, upon reinspection, good cause has been shown why the alleged violations have not been corrected, the Administrator may extend the time to comply with the original notice.
   (c)   The requirement that an individual abate a violation of this Code pursuant to this chapter shall not terminate by reason of sale of the property for which such violation has occurred unless the purchaser of the property:
      (1)   Has received notice of the order to abate violations and the time period for the correction of the violations; and
      (2)   Has agreed to assume the responsibility for repairing the violation.
         (Ord. 1992-10. Passed 8-17-92; Ord. 2002-8. Passed 8-5-02.)