A.   General Description: The C-General Commercial District is designed for the conduct of personal and business services and the general retail trade of the community. It is designed to accommodate a wide variety of commercial uses in the central business district or areas of mixed business enterprises.
   B.   Uses Permitted: Property and buildings in a C-General Commercial District, may be used for the following purposes:
      1.   Any of the following uses shall be permitted:
         Advertising Signs or Structures.
         Artist Supplies and Hobby Shop.
         Automobile, new and used, Sales and or service.
         Baker Shop.
         Barber and Beauty Shops.
         Boot Sales.
         Book Store.
         Bowling Alley.
         Clothing or Wearing Apparel Shops.
         Dance Hall.
         Department Store.
         Drive-in Restaurant.
         Drug Store.
         Dairy Products Store.
         Florist Shop.
         Frozen Food locker.
         Furniture Store.
         Funeral Parlor.
         Garden Stores.
         Gift Shop.
         Golf Course, Miniature, or Practice Range.
         Grocery Store.
         Hardware Store.
         Laundry and Dry Cleaning.
         Liquor Store.
         Medical Facility.
         Music, Radio, and Television Sales and/or Repair.
         Office, General.
         Pet Shop.
         Printing Plant.
         Public Uses.
         Roller Skating Rink.
         Self-Service Laundry.
         Shoe Repair.
         Sporting Goods.
         Sign Painting Shop.
         Tailor Shop.
         Toy Store.
         Utility Service Installation.
         Variety Store.
      2.   Any retail, personal service, business service, professional or commercial use not already mentioned.
      3.   Any public buildings or uses.
      4.   Buildings, structures, and accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the above uses, provided that there shall be no manufachrring of products other than such as are customarily incidental to retail establishments.
      5.   Residential uses may be permitted in multilevel buildings provided that the ground floor may onlybe used for commercial puqposes as set forth in the C-General Commercial District (Section 10-11-6-5, Div. 1 - 4) and the municipal utilities to the multilevel building shall be commercial rates. Multilevel building shall comply with all applicable fire, life safety, and building codes.
   C.   Minimum Lot Size: None
   D.   Maximum Coverage: The maximum coverage of any lot in the "C" General Commercial District shall not exceed thirty (30) percent of the area of the lot.
   E.   Yard Requirements: None except where abutting a residential district in which case a side yard set-back of one (1) foot shall be provided for each one (1) foot of height.
   F.   Height Limit: No structure in the "C" General Commercial District shall be constructed with a height in excess of thirty-five (35) feet from the mean lot elevation.
   G.   Off-Street Parking: Off-street parking as required in Article 4, Section 6 of this chapter.
   H.   Sewer Service: No structure or use in the C-General Commercial District shall be erected or commenced which does not have a connection to the public sewer system, unless or until the County Health Officer certifies that a septic tank or any substitute disposal system can be installed and operated effectively. As a basis for making his decision, the Health Officer may require such percolation tests as he deems to .be necessary. Such tests are to be made at the expense of the property owner.
   I.   Signs And Billboards: All signs in the C-General Commercial District shall be erected upon private property and shall not encroach upon any public street or walk except as provided by the applicable codes of the City of Waurika, Oklahoma, and then they shall not overhang at a height of less than nine (9) feet and shall not have a maximum projection greater than seventy-two (72) inches.
      1.   Any projecting sign in the C-General Commercial District shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet in size, nor shall it exceed the height of the building.
      2.   No source of incandescent lighting used for illuminating signs shall be directly visible from any street or highway or from any residence, hotel or from any room used for sleeping purposes.
   C.   The use of red, green or amber illumination in connection with any sign shall not be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of any intersection. Any use of red, green or amber illumination in connection with any sign must be so located that it in no way creates a confusion with any traffic signal or may be interpreted by any motorist as a traffic signaling device.
   D.   Uses Permitted on Review: The following uses may be permitted on review by the Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions contained in Title 10, Chapter 9 of the Waurika Code of Ordinances: Storage Warehouse. (Ord. 10112021-08, 10-11-2021; amd. Ord. 06132022-13, 6-13-2022; Ord. 04102023-04, 4-10-2023)