A.   The owner of real property that is the subject of a state permit may transfer responsibility under the owner's SWPPP to one or more transferees of all or part of such property in the same manner that responsibility for compliance with a state permit can be transferred pursuant to 567 Iowa administrative code section 64.6(6), or any similar successor provision. Such an owner is a "transferor". Each transferee must agree to the transfer in writing and must agree to fulfill all obligations of the state permit and the SWPPP, including submission of a statement signed by the transferee as provided for in subsection 8-4B-3F of this article. The transferor shall file with the office of the city engineer a copy of all documents filed with IDNR in connection with transfer of responsibility under the state permit to each such transferee, and a copy of each such transferee's agreement to fulfill all obligations of the SWPPP. Absent written confirmation of transfer of obligations that includes all documents set forth in this subsection, the transferor remains responsible for compliance with the SWPPP on any property that has been sold, conveyed, or otherwise transferred.
   B.   All documents and information required by the IDNR to be filed to terminate the state permit must be filed by the transferor concurrently with the office of the city engineer. The city engineer must confirm stabilization and removal of temporary control measures as required by subsection 8-4B-5G of this article before a notice of discontinuation can be filed. Upon submission of said materials to the city, the city shall have thirty (30) days in which to request additional information from the transferor before the SWPPP shall be deemed terminated.
   C.   To facilitate a transferee's compliance with this article as a secondary applicant, the transferor shall also deliver to the transferee concurrently with the filings required by subsection B of this section a copy of the transferor's notice of intent, state permit number, SWPPP public notification, and SWPPP. (Ord. 5218, 5-19-2014)