A. Administrator: The superintendent of the waste management services department shall be the administrator of the system and, as such, is empowered to implement and enforce the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 4482, 5-29-2001)
B. Powers And Duties: The superintendent is hereby empowered to, either directly or indirectly:
1. Supervise the implementation of this chapter.
2. Institute actions against all users violating this chapter and, with the city attorney, institute necessary legal proceedings to prosecute violations of this chapter and compel the prevention and abatement of violations of this chapter or nuisances arising therefrom.
3. Review the plans for pretreatment equipment, submitted by users.
4. Make inspections and tests of existing and newly installed, constructed, reconstructed or altered pretreatment equipment to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
5. Investigate complaints of violations of this chapter and make inspections and observations of discharges. Record such investigations, complaints, inspections and observations.
6. Issue orders requiring compliance with this chapter.
7. Determine surcharges to be levied pursuant to this chapter.
8. Deny a permit for cause.
9. Perform other actions necessary or advisable for the management and operation of the POTW and the enforcement of this chapter and other applicable laws and regulations. (Ord. 4261, 10-6-1997)
A. Application: Applications for construction of sanitary sewer extensions and/or improvements that connect to the Waterloo POTW shall be submitted to the city engineer for approval. The application may be made concurrently with the IDNR construction permit submittal, and shall include the appropriate IDNR construction permit schedules and shall, at a minimum, include:
1. Owner's name, address and phone number; the project name; the project location; the initial and future service areas; and the initial and future estimated flows.
2. Plans and specifications which shall, at a minimum, conform to the applicable standard specifications of the city.
3. Evidence that the project has been submitted to IDNR and/or other regulatory agencies that may be appropriate.
4. Other information as may be required by the city engineer.
B. Construction: Construction of the proposed sanitary sewer extensions and/or improvements shall not begin without the city engineer's approval.
Upon completion of the construction, the owner shall provide the city engineer one copy of the "as constructed" drawings which shall identify pertinent features of the project: pipe size, length, materials of construction, structure locations, elevations, service line connection locations, utilities, soil and ground water conditions and other information that may be requested by the city engineer.
C. Inspections: The city reserves the right to inspect the work while in progress or upon completion, including internal inspection. If it is found that the project is improperly constructed, improperly used or maintained which, in turn, causes extraneous flows to enter the POTW, creates a flow restriction, affects the structural integrity of the POTW or in any way impacts the POTW or other city facilities, the city engineer may give notice of the condition to the owner and shall direct the condition be corrected. (Ord. 4261, 10-6-1997)