   A.   Animals Prohibited From Running At Large: No animal shall be allowed to run at large in any public park, and any animal found in any such park shall be deemed to be found running at large unless the owner carries said animal or leads him by a chain, strap or rope not exceeding six feet (6') in length, or keeps any such animal confined in a wagon, automobile or other vehicle by chain, rope or strap not exceeding six feet (6') in length. This rule may be enforced by the police department, the Humane Society or any other department or agency designated to enforce animal control ordinances, or any person in the employment of the leisure services commission to remove and impound any animal running at large in any public park.
   B.   Riding, Leading Horses: Except for authorized police personnel, no person shall ride or lead a horse in any public park except on public drives or designated bridle paths. (Ord. 4340, 2-22-1999)
   A.   Weapons, Explosives, Fireworks, Etc.: No person shall use or carry any firearms, air or pellet guns, explosives, weapons, firecrackers or fireworks of any character in any public park except as otherwise provided by this code. No person shall use any fireworks on city property. (Ord. 5400, 5-22-2017)
   B.   Hunting And Trapping: Hunting and trapping are prohibited, except as otherwise provided by this code. This includes the use of firearms, air or pellet guns, bow and arrow, trained hawk or falcon and harassment of animal and bird life by whatever means, except as may be authorized by the city council. (Ord. 5071, 9-6-2011)



1. See also section 9-2C-4 of this code.
   A.   Destruction, Removal Of Trees And Other Plants: No person shall, in any manner, deface, injure or remove any tree, shrub or plant standing or growing in any public park or pick or destroy any flowers or seeds growing therein.
   B.   Littering:
      1.   Depositing Prohibited; Receptacles: No person shall deposit upon or litter the ground with any form of waste material; all such waste material shall be deposited in receptacles provided therefor.
      2.   In Bodies Of Water: No person shall throw or place any foreign waste substance in any body of water in or adjacent to any public park. No person shall swim or bathe in such body of water except municipal swimming pools or designated swimming areas.
   C.   Throwing Objects Onto Ice Facilities: No person shall throw any stone, stick or other missile or obstruction upon the ice in any park.
   D.   Disturbing, Interfering With Buildings, Improvements, Birds Or Animals: No person shall disturb or interfere with any building or improvement of any kind made or being made in or about any public park, or disturb or interfere with birds or animals kept or found therein or in any of the parks.
   E.   Posting Placards, Bills, Notices, Etc.: No person shall post, paste, fasten, paint or affix any placard, bill or notice or sign upon any structure, tree, stone, fence or enclosure along or within any park.
   F.   Moving Benches, Seats And Tables: No person shall move benches, seats and tables from their places in any park, except at picnic grounds.
   G.   Removal Of Wood, Plants, Rocks, Etc.: No person shall cut or remove any wood, plants, turf, grass, soil, rock, sand or gravel from any public park unless authorized by the director of leisure services. (Ord. 4340, 2-22-1999)