A. No person in the city shall own, operate, manage or control any billiard parlor, pool hall or other places where billiard tables, pool tables, bagatelle tables, shuffleboard or other tables on which any games are played or kept or maintained or any ninepin, tenpin or bowling alley where a fee or compensation is charged directly or indirectly for the privilege of playing upon the tables, or upon the alleys, without first procuring a license therefor, for which there shall be a license fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per year for each table contained therein and for each bowling alley the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per year for each alley.
B. If any owner, operator or manager of a bowling alley or billiard hall shall permit or allow any betting upon the games played therein, or shall permit or allow any gambling of any sort, he shall be guilty of an offense, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided in section 1-3-1 of this code. (Rev. Ord. 1540, Comp. 1941, p. L-4)
A. Each circus or menagerie, before doing business in the city, shall obtain a license therefor, and pay a license fee as follows:
1. Where the charge for admission is twenty five cents ($0.25) or less, the fee shall be fifty dollars ($50.00) for each day, for one or more performances.
2. Where the charge for admission is in excess of twenty five cents ($0.25), the fee shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) for each day, for one or more performances, including street parade or parades.
B. Before a license required by subsection A of this section shall be issued, the person making application for the license shall file in the office of the city clerk a bond in the penal sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) with one or more sureties, which sureties shall be residents of the city or, if signed by a surety company, then a company authorized to do business in the state and in the county, which bond may be approved by the city clerk. The bond shall be conditioned that the licensee under this section will pay to the city any and all damages caused to the streets, highways, avenues, alleys, bridges, pavements, curbs and sidewalks in the city on account of the use of the streets by the licensee; the bond shall not be released except by action of the city council.
C. Each sideshow accompanying or following any circus or menagerie shall obtain a license, the fee for which shall be ten dollars ($10.00) per day, for one or more exhibitions. (Rev. Ord. 1540, Comp. 1941, p. L-4)
Each theatrical, minstrel or opera troupe or company shall, before doing business in the city, obtain a license therefor, the fee for which shall be twenty five dollars ($25.00) per day, for one or more performances, unless such performances or exhibitions are given in an opera house or theater building licensed pursuant to this chapter. (Rev. Ord. 1540, Comp. 1941, p. L-4)
A. No person as an owner, agent or employee of any opera house, theater building, hall or other permanent enclosure shall permit, give or allow any theatrical performance, opera, minstrel show, concert, show, exhibition or entertainment of any kind or character from which profit or gain is to be derived, or at which an admission fee in money, property or its equivalent is charged, without first obtaining a license therefor, the fee for which shall be three dollars ($3.00) for each single performance, or two dollars ($2.00) for each performance, if two (2) or more performances are given in succession; however, the owner or manager of an opera house, theater building, hall or other permanent enclosure may obtain an annual license therefor, for which he shall pay an annual fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), and providing that no theatrical performance, opera, minstrel show, concert or other amusement given or held in such a licensed place shall be required to secure a license.
B. Lectures on scientific, historical, educational or literary subjects shall not come within the provisions of this section and no license shall be required therefor. (Rev. Ord. 1540, Comp. 1941, p. L-4)