Every bicycle shall be equipped with a bell, horn or similar device to sound a warning to other users of the streets or highways. A bicycle shall not be equipped with and a person shall not use upon a bicycle any siren or whistle. This section shall not apply to bicycles ridden by peace officers in the line of duty. ('91 Rev.; Ord. #4247, 8/18/97; ’99 Rev.) [Ref. Iowa Code §321.434]
No person shall, at any time, operate a motor truck or truck tractor transporting explosives as a cargo or part of a cargo upon a street unless it carries flares or electric lanterns as required by laws of Iowa, but such flares or electric lanterns must be capable of producing a red light and shall be displayed upon the street when and as required by the laws of the State of Iowa.
Any person operating any vehicle transporting any explosives as a cargo or part of a cargo upon a street shall at all times comply with the provisions of this Section.
Said vehicle shall be marked or placarded on each side and the rear with the word, "Explosives," in letters not less than eight inches high, or there shall be displayed on the rear of such vehicle a red flag not less than twenty-four inches square with the word, "Danger" in white letters six inches high.
Every said vehicle shall be equipped with not less than two fire extinguishers, filled and ready for immediate use and placed at a convenient point on the vehicle so used.
Every motor vehicle operated on the streets of this City shall at all times be equipped with a muffler in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noises and annoying smoke, and no person shall use a muffler cut-out, bypass or similar device upon motor vehicles so operated on the streets of this City. [Ref. Iowa Code §321.436]
Every motor vehicle when operated upon a street shall be equipped with a horn in good working order and capable of emitting sound audible under normal conditions from a distance of not less than two hundred feet, but no horn or other warning device shall emit an unreasonably loud or harsh sound or a whistle. The driver of a motor vehicle shall, when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation, give audible warning with the horn but shall not otherwise use such horn when upon a street. ('91 Rev.) [Ref. Iowa Code §321.432]